TPLF and EPRDF at a Cross Road Again!

When TPLF leaders split in the early 2000 many thought that would be the last schism the organization will face because the late PM Meles was able to garner enough support from remaining TPLF leaders as well as other EPRDF member organization! Also because, the playing field was set with a clear understanding where the country should go as far as priorities and policy matters. We have “no better enemy other than poverty” was coined and the much talked about developmental state model became the guiding principle for the remarkable economic achievement we see today.

With the sudden death of Meles EPRDF has been struggling to find a strong footing be it in economic success or political cohesion across the country. For the average person it looks Meles was everything! Otherwise why is everything falling apart in EPRDF world?

We know for sure in the past TPLF has many able leaders as well as members! But where are they now? The latest news coming from TPLF conference though encouraging is very troubling! We are told almost all have realized things are not okay! However when it comes to the details what we are hearing is troubling. Leaders are finger pointing at each other missing the big picture. Our people are not interested on individuals past deeds or current performance! Those who have done wrong should be reprimanded or sued in the court of law! Let us be honest both or all sides are guilty when it comes to good governance issue! The public is expecting a genuine reform and reorganization where the issue with good governance and development will be resolved. The public is expecting able learned men and women to come to the front! Above all the public is expecting unity of purpose and clear road map.The public is not expecting the down fall of one Tegadalay over the other. That was the problem of the past. Do not repeat it!! That is what we think but what about you?

Have Your say and share your concern on what TPLF should be and become! What is your understanding of what is weakening the country right now?

133 thoughts on “TPLF and EPRDF at a Cross Road Again!

  1. Abay removal is a must. He is responsible for all the crap. He has done nothing in Tigray since Meles passed away. So what we expect is removal of most old veterans and replace with young and educated.

    • How is Abay responsible to all what is happening? In my openion, the responsible persion is the one who is goverining in a shadow …… a person hiding by invoking ‘visionary leader’ when there is question about the leadership ……. I do not know who he is, but I am sure he is not Abay.

  2. With all honesty TPLF is outdated and the public reached to the point of “No return “.
    We need change and the change is not going to come through the old guards of TPLF. What is falling apart is not the weakness of leadership , it is the toxic ethnic political structure and selfish and apartheid like economic monopoly by the leaders and its Chronicles.
    If TPLF is wise enough thy need to work wit the opposition and the public at large and work on the peaceful democratic transition , if they want to save themselves and the Country. If they fail to do this and try to hinge in power by force , trust me the mess is unimaginable . Many people cried out from the very beginning, warning the ethnic politics TPLF imposed on our country will destroy itself and the country , it is happening now and too late to repair it under the status-co.
    You guys need to think how to save your people and the country at large than to save the sinking TPLF.

    • Look from different perspectives
      After all, we should not wrongly relate the survival of the country or the people with the health conditions of a party or parties, as some concerned writers tried to forward; as parties are not formal organizations entrusted by their constituencies with the accountabilities of all sorts for party flaws. We, as citizens have a government to entrust with keeping our freedom defended all the time.
      We have a reliable defense institution staffed with professional officers along with a dependable army to defend the law of the land (Constitution) from external aggressions, as well as internal hooligans; organized judiciary system to interpret and maintain the rule of law towards ensuring due justice; modern and dependable security and police systems to ensure the law and order of the country based on the Constitution.
      Alright? Well, parties could be useful, (as, at the same time, are harmful if used as tools to serve specific group or individual interests), in that leadership talents could be nurtured and advanced for future leadership needs in place of exiting seniors. But this task of the party is neither irreplaceable nor indispensable. We can live without parties with enhanced freedom. Naivety? Let’s learn.

  3. Dear Aiga,
    More than 7 years ago (Sep. 11, 2010), I gave my comment on under my psedo name Yared; (this was during TPLF cc election time).
    It was as follows (you may find it in your archive) ===========
    By any means the selection (of course not election) of W/ro Azeb is unacceptable to every one except Mr. Meles, I am sure even the CC memebers are not happy with it. This shows there is no democracy at all. I used to hear that the CC members are always selected by the good will of Mr. Zenawi, now all the rumors become crystal clear to everyone, I wish if this appointment had been done before the May election, definitely the result would have been very different. ================= I am just remind you guys, Meles was not everything, in fact, he is the number one to be blamed for weakening TPLF since purging critical CC memebers by his and few of his friends will, not by majority of TPLF ………… So, Aiga, please stop crying day in day out about how Meles kept EPRDF strong …. it was the oposit …. he was weakeing EPRDF at the expense of building his “visionar leader” crap …….
    Tariku Tezera (author of

      • I second your opinion brother. Meles’s unparalleled ego destroyed TPLF as we knew it, altered EPDRF irreversibly and damaged Ethiopia from what we have seen until now and more ways to come.
        Meles was about one thing and that was Meles. He admired the people of Tigray and he expressed his pride of being their son when it he needed them. The people of Tigray that gave everything including their livelihood hood were taken for granted and forgot them again until the 2001 split when he for a short time looked back for help. The magnanimous people of Tigray again gave the diminutive egotistical autocrat and what they got in response was not thank you but the purging of their sons and daughters who paid dearly for them(the people of Tigray). In the name of renewal and Tehadeso he purged and pushed hardworking members of the TPLF and replaced them by handpicked Azeb servants who joined the TPLF after victory whose only contribution was loyalty to Azeb and Meles. With the intrigue of Meles, Azeb and these handpicked Azeb’s servants who became TPLF members and some good for nothing old TPLF members who had degenerated to drunkards like Tedros Hagos gutted the TPLF to bare nothing.
        Now we see the TPLF trying to go back to its glory by retracing the wrong route they took and hopefully they will correct it but I would like to emphasize that it is coming at a great cost and shall cost us more.
        The TPLF for most of us was a principle, a cause and a trust of the people of Tigray that fighters (TEGADELTY) and even us the supporters in the city who were immediately discarded like a use and throw cup (we) were willing to die for TPLF. The cause for the struggle was great we didn’t question decisions by our leaders, we trusted our brothers and sisters, we did what was asked of us and we remained to loyals to the TPLF and the martyrs. Albite our pain and heartbreak started when Meles broke the rules of collective decision making in the TPLF (majority decision of the central committee and TPLF assembly was manipulated to suit Meles and AZEB.). Meles started gutting and emasculated the TPLF and the whole brouhaha about him being the great leader has to stop and we should give him credit where credit is due and criticize the irreversible damage he caused the TPLF and TIgray. He is the baby orphan that was cuddled and fed until he became strong and then bit the hand that feed him or the breast that fed him.

    • You said it well. The current problem as Aiga has mentioned ” Melese Was everything” this is an equivalent definition of dictatorship. The current crisis in whole EPRDF particularly TPLF is because of Melese’s dictatorship. TPLF had a slight democratic exercise before the split and we could also see a check & control system among the party members during that time. After the split Melese became an emperor who was the crafter & operator for all EPRDF components plus TPLF. After his death, the power vacuum was immedately created and nobody can stabilize the new political atmosphere of the country .The successor of a dictator leadership always facing the same problem. one of the biggest blunders of Melese was pushing his wife onto the political ladder of the country as if no competant or educated person from Tigray. Aiga please stop worshiping Melese, you’ve to realize the root cause of all this political instability be it Abdulla, Bereket, or Azeb cases are the factor of the one-man leadership. a good example is Mengistu was the most hated person during his regime but the public did mention Wubeanchi (his wife) negatively but Melese’s wife told us publicly that even she lost the trust among her comrades on an interview with Mimi. Still, you’ve time and energy by identifying the problem & as same time by providing appropriate advice to save the country as well as the party. Learn from the near past history of the country, how the big Derge politicians were feeding wrong hope to Mengistu at the eleven hour.

      • Thank you both Michael and Shiromeda,

        Also, I would like to add that the current example in Zimbabwe. The people of Zimbabwe and the military are not happy for Mugabe to appoint his successor his wife Grace.
        Or maybe, the USA 2016 election could also tell us one of the main reason (in my analysis) why Hillary Clinton lost the election is because the people of USA was tiered to see the same faces again and again (the Clintons) also true why Jeb Bush lost the primary.

        To conclude, the day Meles appointed Azeb as not only TPLF cc (one of the 36 leadership) but the polit bureau (the top 9) in 2010 was a big mistake; and we do not know what his grand ‘metekakat’ plan was, probably he would have appointed her as the Charwoman of EPRDF when he step down, had he still be alive (like President Mugabe’s current try).

        Tariku Tezera

  4. ============ I posted on EPRDF webstite and emailed to Aiga and others the folloing, and I assuem it is relevant to this topic =========================

    EPRDF should understand that current crisis is not about “Good Governance” or ኪራይ ሰብሳቢነት issue; it is much deeper than that, hence, requires an urgent solution that addresses the following problems and others –
    (1) For TPLF to stop worshiping a dead man and empower (through the security and military apparatus) the current Prime Minister so that he can lead the country properly (I believe there are many security personals (mostly from TPLF) who are working day and night to proof that Meles was a ‘visionary’ and ‘strong’ leader; and to proof such they are compromising Prime Minister Hilemariam Desalegn’s decision; I think EPRDF should take a note on that, and clean such people from leadership);
    (2) For TPLF to reconcile their problem with ex-TPLF (note that more than half Tigrians are not happy with the 2001 TPLF split and how the current TPLF cc silenced the majority of TPLF cc of that time, with the help of the then security chef and apparatus — including the media);
    (3) Listen to many Ethiopians who are not happy with some of the big mistakes of EPRDF leadership (such as — on Ethio-Eritrea especially Assab issue; at least EPRDF should be open for discussion instead of saying the issue is a “dead issue”, which I believe is not a “dead issue”;
    (4) EPRDF should reconsider the arrangement of a Federal system so that Killils are weaker than the Federal (central) government so that Federal police and defense forces can respond promptly in any crisis;
    (5) EPRDF should remove the “star” from the Ethiopian Green-Yellow-Red flag (or at least allow people to use either of these two flags — with “star” and without — for some year and see which one the people of Ethiopia likes most and accept the one that is accepted by majority of Ethiopians; in fact if EPRDF is willing to listen to most Ethiopians, it is well known that before 10 years or so when there was not “force” which flag to use, most Ethiopians were using the one without “star”, including many Tigrian people — especially during a religious celebrations — because Christians use Cross and not Star as their symbol, hence, the prefer the Ethiopian flag without “star” );
    (6) Reconcile Orthodox Church at home and outside;
    (7) Listen, Listen, Listen, …. to many educated people (outside of your echochamber, i.e., your diehard suporters and your media, such as Fana, EBC, ENN, Dimtsi Weyane, etc.)
    Tariku Tezera (author of

    • They will not listen or change, they would rather die. The star sign is Illumanti religion sign .Meles was Illumanti, They need the star for their underground religion.

  5. I don’t get the sense of the cry. If you believe there is A corruption,bad governance, abuse of power unlimited time on power forget to serve the society no one card about tegaru while they killed displaced abused every where at the corner of Ethiopia as the result of Tplfs carlesnes who is to be lamed ? And is some group is committed to reform (if really) and the other is resisting why pointing a finger is not accepted? Otherwise how do you solve the problems? Do you want it to remain as usual tehadisna blabla I understand they don’t have enough and strong young leadership who can represent tegaru at the federal stage because they don’t want it so when is the time and how it could be solved you better to put possibly soliton instead of crying we want tegadalay to stay there . We want a change Tplf is Immerced in deep zemed asmad group from the early Days of fighting.

  6. You asking comment? Hmm mm m. ..
    Do you think the honest commenters are trusted you as fairness party or media at all according to the past experienced how TpLF and it’s mousepiece Aiga and TOL are ignorancy. You covered for long time the bad side of TpLF. You’re attacking the real TPLF founders who is not agreed with the current Sibhat group TpLF.

  7. The biggest split in TPLF is on how to handle the Oromia issue and mandates of the Federal Government. The creation (OPDO) has decided to dismantle and eat-alive the creator (the TPLF).

    Meles /TPLF had never had a long term vision for the country; and every thing they put forward was for short term stability and economic growth. In doing so, they came up with a hasty, unrealistic, short-visioned plans and constitution. Like building a 25 story building on a sandstorm.
    There is nothing now TPLF /EPRDF can do. Too late.

    • I totally agree with you Fisseha,
      Just to give few points,
      1. how TPLF agreed with EPLF on Eritrea before the come to power shows how Meles and TPLF was myopic;
      2. How Meles/TPLF agreed with OLF to change Oromigna from Geez to Qube was very bad decision; Now, Ethiopia as a country is much fragmented, and people think about their Killil before Ethiopia; They think they are first Oromo then probably Ethiopia; they are Tigray then Ethiopia; They are Amhar, then Ethiopia; They are Afar then Ethiopia; etc.
      3. Meles/TPLF was wrong to agree with OLF to have a big Oromia killil was unacceptable; now, Oromo think they are the more in population, hence, they deserved to be the Prime Minister, President, Foreign Minister, Communication Minister, etc. and other parts of Ethiopia (including Amhara, Tigray, etc.) has to be military people that has to die for them without getting any credit.
      4. TPLF/EPRDF is wrong to agree about special privilege of Oromo in Addis; I think, maybe EPRDF has to think how to have three or more Capital Cities for Ethiopia at different location (financial, administrative, etc. capital cities); this is not new concept, it is done for example in Nigeria, South Africa, etc. Then, probably OPDO will understand that having Addis as a capital is a privilege for Oromo, not a punishment that they have to ask Ethiopians to give them anther “special privilege”;
      5. TPLF/EPRDF should solve Orthodox Church problem in Ethiopia and outside; it has to understand solving that problem and collaborating with them will help Ethiopia in many ways; for example, they could easily convince their followers to support the GRED and other developments in Ethiopia. They have many followers and bringing them back will be a plus to solve many problems including restoring Geez as a national Fidel for all languages including Oromigna etc.
      6. TPLF/EPRDF has to understand Ethiopian universities are Federal properties not Killil; I have been talking on this issue for more than 2 year, please see my comments —- for example read my comment using “tt tt” on the following ENN news on yourube “Ethiopia: ደብረብርሀን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በዳግማዊ ሚንሊክ የተሰየመ አዲስ ካምፓስ ሊከፍት ነው – ENN News” … my writing title is “ANDM is following TPLF footsteps in Ethnicization of Ethiopian Universities”.
      7. TPLF/EPRDF should be lenient on the Ethiopian Flag, if people chose to use Green-Yellow-Red, without star, I think they should not be treated as criminals; there are many reasons for people not to choose the one with “Star”, for example, I talked to religious people from Tigray, and they prefer without “star” for religious reason; In allowing people to use the flag without “star” as an alternative flag, EPRDF could bring many oppositions to its side; and he can decrease the issue from the many issues some Ethiopia loving people have a problem with EPRDF. I understand maybe there is a dilemma how to fix this issue, because, EPRDF was talking how the Green-Yellow-Red is a flag of “Derg Loving” people for more than 25 years now; but in reality, there is no proof to accuse people who genuinely like Green-Yellow-Red (without Star) that they like DERG, for example, I hate DERG but I like Green-Yellow-Red flag (because I believe, Green-Yellow-Red without star is Ethiopia’s flag, not Derg’s flag).
      8. I could list more, but I think these are good start for EPRDF to make a real change.

      Tariku Tezera

      • Dear sir
        I don’t remember an Ethiopian flag without emblem in it. Yes, the flag has always been g-y-r color but not surr why you said the flag was without emblem during the derg rule. Please google to find tbe ethiopian flag during tbe derg and for that mater that of Haileselassie. Thanks!

        • Thanks G. Amare for your comment,
          Probably you are correct in the official Derg flag, there could be some emblem;
          However, in most places, at least in schools, I vividly remember, when I was in elementary school in the Derg Era, we used to sing Ethiopia Tikdem every morning, while the g-y-r Ethiopian flag (without any embelem) was used to raise it in the morning and lower it in every evening. But, as I said, none of us think we were singing for Derg, we were singing Ethiopia Tikdem for Ethiopia.

          To conclude, I am not sure if you get my point, but I think it is well know fact that EPRDF is against Green-Yellow-Red (wthout star) because they think it is Derg’s flag. And I say NO. It was and is Ethiopian Flag. I hope we are in the same page in this conclusion.

          Tariku Tezera

        • Thanks G. Amare for your comment,
          Probably you are correct in the official Derg flag, there could be some emblem;
          However, in most places, at least in schools, I vividly remember, when I was in elementary school in the Derg Era, we used to sing Ethiopia Tikdem every morning, while the G-Y-R Ethiopian flag (without any embelem) was used to raise it in the morning and lower it in every evening. But, as I said, none of us think we were singing Ethiopia Tikdem for Derg — we were singing Ethiopia Tikdem for Ethiopia, and we were using G-Y-R without any emblem.

          To conclude, I am not sure if you get my point, but I think it is well known fact that EPRDF is against Green-Yellow-Red (without star) because they think it is Derg’s flag. And I say NO. G-Y-R was and is Ethiopian Flag (in the minds of Ethiopians). I hope we are in the same page in this conclusion.

          Tariku Tezera

        • Thanks G. Amare for your comment,
          Probably you are correct in the official Derg flag, there could be some emblem;
          However, in most places, at least in schools, I vividly remember, when I was in elementary school in the Derg Era, we used to sing Ethiopia Tikdem every morning, while the G-Y-R Ethiopian flag (without any embelem) was used to raise it in the morning and lower it in every evening. But, as I said, none of us think we were singing Ethiopia Tikdem for Derg — we were singing Ethiopia Tikdem for Ethiopia, and we were using G-Y-R without any emblem.

          To conclude, I am not sure if you get my point, but I think it is well known fact that EPRDF is against Green-Yellow-Red (without star) because they think it is Derg’s flag. And I say NO. G-Y-R was and is Ethiopian Flag (in the minds of Ethiopians). I hope we are in the same page in this conclusion.

          Also, I would like to add, I think it is better for all childerens of Ethiopia to rais and lower Ethiopian flag (not Killil flags; or at least both Federal and killil) in school; This I believe will install patriotism in the minds of the kids (instead of thinking about their Killil first — Oromo First, Tigray First, Amhara First, etc.)

          Tariku Tezera

          • Thanks ! I can’t agree more that recognizing and raising both federal and states is very important. In the. US, for example, you see both the state and federal flags raised side by side.

    • I totally agree with you Fisseha,
      Just to give few points,
      1. how TPLF agreed with EPLF on Eritrea before they came to power shows how Meles and TPLF was myopic;
      2. How Meles/TPLF agreed with OLF to change Oromigna from Geez to Qube was very bad decision; Now, Ethiopia as a country is much fragmented, and people think about their Killil before Ethiopia; They think they are first Oromo then probably Ethiopia; they are Tigray then Ethiopia; They are Amhara, then Ethiopia; They are Afar then Ethiopia; etc.
      3. Meles/TPLF was wrong to agree with OLF to have a big Oromia killil (almost half of Ethiopia — in size); now, Oromo think they are the more in population and size, hence, they deserved to be the Prime Minister, President, Foreign Minister, Communication Minister, etc. and other parts of Ethiopia (including Amhara, Tigray, etc.) has to be military people that has to die for them without getting any credit (and any political position).
      4. TPLF/EPRDF is wrong to agree about special privilege of Oromo in Addis; I think, maybe EPRDF has to think how to have three or more Capital Cities for Ethiopia at different location (financial, administrative, etc. capital cities); this is not new concept, it is done for example in Nigeria, South Africa, etc. Then, probably OPDO will understand that having Addis as a capital is a privilege for Oromo, not a punishment that they have to ask Ethiopians to give them anther “special privilege”;
      5. TPLF/EPRDF should solve Orthodox Church problem in Ethiopia and outside; it has to understand solving that problem and collaborating with them will help Ethiopia in many ways; for example, they could easily convince their followers to support the GRED and other developments in Ethiopia. They have many followers and bringing them back will be a plus to solve many problems including restoring Geez as a national Fidel for all languages including Oromigna etc. and creating STRONG ETHIOPIA.
      6. TPLF/EPRDF has to understand Ethiopian universities are Federal properties not Killil; I have been talking on this issue for more than 2 year now, please see my comments —- for example read my comment using “tt tt” on the following ENN news on yourube “Ethiopia: ደብረብርሀን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በዳግማዊ ሚንሊክ የተሰየመ አዲስ ካምፓስ ሊከፍት ነው – ENN News” … my writing title is “ANDM is following TPLF footsteps in Ethnicization of Ethiopian Universities”.
      7. TPLF/EPRDF should be lenient on the Ethiopian Flag, if people chose to use Green-Yellow-Red, without star, I think they should not be treated as criminals; there are many reasons for people not to choose the one with “Star”, for example, I talked to religious people from Tigray, and they prefer without “star” for religious reason; In allowing people to use the flag without “star” as an alternative flag, EPRDF could bring many oppositions to its side; and he can decrease the issue from the many issues some Ethiopia loving people have a problem with EPRDF. I understand maybe there is a dilemma how to fix this issue, because, EPRDF was talking how the Green-Yellow-Red is a flag of “Derg Loving” people for more than 25 years now; but in reality, there is no proof to accuse people who genuinely like Green-Yellow-Red (without Star) that they like DERG, for example, I hate DERG but I like Green-Yellow-Red flag (because I believe, Green-Yellow-Red without star is Ethiopia’s flag, not Derg’s flag).
      8. I could list more, but I think these are good start for EPRDF to make a real change.

      Tariku Tezera


  9. Deep evaluation and developing clear and practical vision and approaches given the current situation of the country and region is not a sign of being at cross road, things would had been otherwise if all are beaten by the situation and are submissive to the situation, but that is not the case. We are all including the leadership of the party again need revinoriert by the in-touch principles of the organisation. No way right and left! Fighting poverty is not an issues of individuals but principles, holding principles of organization, to be governed by all its principles at all times and working places and with behaviours of the people. Anyone who claims to be a cadre of the people and organisation, be like that not in talking but implementing, we need a wild implementers not a wild talkative. So the organization has to clean itself from all these tendencies. And we say, Bravo!!!

  10. How is Abay responsible to all what is happening? In my openion, the responsible persion is the one who is goverining in a shadow …… a person hiding by invoking ‘visionary leader’ when there is question about the leadership ……. I do not know who he is, but I am sure he is not Abay.

  11. The train will keep going and it is a natural course that some people hop on to it while others hop off before it gets to its destination. The destination, we can only hope that it will be heavenly green. but again that is only God’s will and let us pray to God for his blessing.

  12. Be it good governance or development the organization has to clear itself. The so called gimgema and criticism self criticism was an instrument for the organization in order to become strong during the armed struggle. If this is a case, this culture was what we miss for years since the down fall of the derg regime. It brewed the best leaders out of it. What killed the organization was mikieal. Sidefers ayteram.

  13. TPLF has accomplished great things. However, it is time that it enables moderate opposition parties to be stronger and compete in a level playing field. Free and fair election is the only way forward if we want to keep our beloved country intact. We can’t continue with the same old ways of solving problems. There must be a paradigm shift. Tone down ethnic politics because it has the potential to fragment the country and give power to the people through free and fair election. Shabiya and Egypt shouldn’t get what they want. If TPLF/EPRDF doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation and take immediate corrective action, it will pave the way for its downfall.

  14. Under the administration of EPRDF many unsatisfactory things has happened , the party is die-hard never wants to change or learn, according to them they are the only people who think right. so many scholars have written and said so many things to correct them, but it was all in vain, without success . So the only way out is see their downfall. The sad thing is poor people of Tigrai gets hurt

    • You’re correct. the arrogance of the leadership has caused to this problem. Simply, TPLF & EPRDF wouldn’t sink to this depth. If they were trying to listen and read Reporter advice on his Editorial and other columns. TOL & Aiga are responsible for inflating TPLF with water vapor .

  15. Concern seems lenient word, it is more than that, it is like going for surgery for already spread cancer.
    *All along EPRDF/TPLF have been trying in vien to fool the people with smart phrases and words, they say corruption and good governance are the main problems BUT no single meaningful(cc) EPRDF/TPLF member was brought to justice or worst demoted or reprimanded,they always find excuse on the lower level. If no one is held responsible for the act,how do you say you have a problem.
    So either they were lying there is no corruption and problem with good governance or
    they do not have the gut or political will to take measures,there is no third option.
    *The leaders of ANDM in collaboration with some extremist caused heinous crime against humanity ,first in Qmant and later against Tegaru; was anyone held responsible for organizing and financing such crime? again NOT a single member of ANDM was held accountable even though ,the crime was committed on a day light in front of a video camera. So, the trend is continuing, Oromi vs E.Somalia; hundreds of thousands uprooted , thousands killed= No OPDO member held accountable, continue Amhara vs Oromia, many more death= no accountability, …Oromia vs Tegaru= many died , again no one is responsible…..
    *Last year, many factories, institutions, trucks …worth over a billion birr burnt to ash in front of some time with a tacit support of the police, here again save some street hooligans no leader was caught responsible…..
    EPRDF/TPLF leadership is soooooo weak and inept they couldn’t even fire Abadula and Tekleweyni; who insult everyone in front of a camera.

    So, for how long do you think they can master to stay in power? For how many more years do you think a united Ethiopia will survive?…..
    Be honest to yourself, Can’t you see Yugoslavia in the making?
    ጨው ለራስህ ስትል ትጣፍጣለህ ኣለበልዚያ ድንጋይ ብለው ይወረውሩሃል ፣ ከምዝበሃል መራሕቲ ህወሓት ንባዕሎም ክብሉ ጎሓፎም ይደብርዩ እንተዘደኣለ፣ ቐፃሊ ጉባዔ ህወሓት ኣይክህሉን.

  16. ems lenient word, it is more than that, it is like going for surgery for already spread cancer.
    *All along EPRDF/TPLF have been trying in vien to fool the people with smart phrases and words, they say corruption and good governance are the main problems BUT no single meaningful(cc) EPRDF/TPLF member was brought to justice or worst demoted or reprimanded,they always find excuse on the lower level. If no one is held responsible for the act,how do you say you have a problem.
    So either they were lying there is no corruption and problem with good governance or
    they do not have the gut or political will to take measures,there is no third option.
    *The leaders of ANDM in collaboration with some extremist caused heinous crime against humanity ,first in Qmant and later against Tegaru; was anyone held responsible for organizing and financing such crime? again NOT a single member of ANDM was held accountable even though ,the crime was committed on a day light in front of a video camera. So, the trend is continuing, Oromi vs E.Somalia; hundreds of thousands uprooted , thousands killed= No OPDO member held accountable, continue Amhara vs Oromia, many more death= no accountability, …Oromia vs Tegaru= many died , again no one is responsible…..
    *Last year, many factories, institutions, trucks …worth over a billion birr burnt to ash in front of some time with a tacit support of the police, here again save some street hooligans no leader was caught responsible…..
    EPRDF/TPLF leadership is soooooo weak and inept they couldn’t even fire Abadula and Tekleweyni; who insult everyone in front of a camera.

    So, for how long do you think they can master to stay in power? For how many more years do you think a united Ethiopia will survive?…..
    Be honest to yourself, Can’t you see Yugoslavia in the making?
    ጨው ለራስህ ስትል ትጣፍጣለህ ኣለበልዚያ ድንጋይ ብለው ይወረውሩሃል ፣ ከምዝበሃል መራሕቲ ህወሓት ንባዕሎም ክብሉ ጎሓፎም ይደብርዩ እንተዘደኣለ፣ ቐፃሊ ጉባዔ ህወሓት ኣይክህሉን.

  17. I totally agree with you Fisseha,
    Just to give few points,
    1. how TPLF agreed with EPLF on Eritrea before they came to power shows how Meles and TPLF was myopic;
    2. How Meles/TPLF agreed with OLF to change Oromigna from Geez to Qube was very bad decision; Now, Ethiopia as a country is much fragmented, and people think about their Killil before Ethiopia; They think they are first Oromo then probably Ethiopia; they are Tigray then Ethiopia; They are Amhara, then Ethiopia; They are Afar then Ethiopia; etc.
    3. Meles/TPLF was wrong to agree with OLF to have a big Oromia killil (almost half of Ethiopia — in size); now, Oromo think they are the more in population and size, hence, they deserved to be the Prime Minister, President, Foreign Minister, Communication Minister, etc. and other parts of Ethiopia (including Amhara, Tigray, etc.) has to be military people that has to die for them without getting any credit (and any political position).
    4. TPLF/EPRDF is wrong to agree about special privilege of Oromo in Addis; I think, maybe EPRDF has to think how to have three or more Capital Cities for Ethiopia at different location (financial, administrative, etc. capital cities); this is not new concept, it is done for example in Nigeria, South Africa, etc. Then, probably OPDO will understand that having Addis as a capital is a privilege for Oromo, not a punishment that they have to ask Ethiopians to give them anther “special privilege”;
    5. TPLF/EPRDF should solve Orthodox Church problem in Ethiopia and outside; it has to understand solving that problem and collaborating with them will help Ethiopia in many ways; for example, they could easily convince their followers to support the GRED and other developments in Ethiopia. They have many followers and bringing them back will be a plus to solve many problems including restoring Geez as a national Fidel for all languages including Oromigna etc. and creating STRONG ETHIOPIA.
    6. TPLF/EPRDF has to understand Ethiopian universities are Federal properties not Killil; I have been talking on this issue for more than 2 year now, please see my comments —- for example read my comment using “tt tt” on the following ENN news on yourube “Ethiopia: ደብረብርሀን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በዳግማዊ ሚንሊክ የተሰየመ አዲስ ካምፓስ ሊከፍት ነው – ENN News” … my writing title is “ANDM is following TPLF footsteps in Ethnicization of Ethiopian Universities”.
    7. TPLF/EPRDF should be lenient on the Ethiopian Flag, if people chose to use Green-Yellow-Red, without star, I think they should not be treated as criminals; there are many reasons for people not to choose the one with “Star”, for example, I talked to religious people from Tigray, and they prefer without “star” for religious reason; In allowing people to use the flag without “star” as an alternative flag, EPRDF could bring many oppositions to its side; and he can decrease the issue from the many issues some Ethiopia loving people have a problem with EPRDF. I understand maybe there is a dilemma how to fix this issue, because, EPRDF was talking how the Green-Yellow-Red is a flag of “Derg Loving” people for more than 25 years now; but in reality, there is no proof to accuse people who genuinely like Green-Yellow-Red (without Star) that they like DERG, for example, I hate DERG but I like Green-Yellow-Red flag (because I believe, Green-Yellow-Red without star is Ethiopia’s flag, not Derg’s flag).
    8. I could list more, but I think these are good start for EPRDF to make a real change.

    Tariku Tezera

  18. Additional advice to TPLF/EPRDF from Ethiopia loving citizen ………….
    1. how TPLF agreed with EPLF on Eritrea before they came to power shows how Meles and TPLF was myopic; and TPLF/EPRDF should try to solve this problem ….. at least, it should be a criminal to ask that Ethipia needs her own strategic location in the RED SEA.
    2. How Meles/TPLF agreed with OLF to change Oromigna from Geez to Qube was very bad decision; Now, Ethiopia as a country is much fragmented, and people think about their Killil before Ethiopia; They think they are first Oromo then probably Ethiopia; they are Tigray then Ethiopia; They are Amhara, then Ethiopia; They are Afar then Ethiopia; etc.
    3. Meles/TPLF was wrong to agree with OLF to have a big Oromia killil (almost half of Ethiopia — in size); now, Oromo think they are the more in population and size, hence, they deserved to be the Prime Minister, President, Foreign Minister, Communication Minister, etc. and other parts of Ethiopia (including Amhara, Tigray, etc.) has to be military people that has to die for them without getting any credit (and any political position).
    4. TPLF/EPRDF is wrong to agree about special privilege of Oromo in Addis; I think, maybe EPRDF has to think how to have three or more Capital Cities for Ethiopia at different location (financial, administrative, etc. capital cities); this is not new concept, it is done for example in Nigeria, South Africa, etc. Then, probably OPDO will understand that having Addis as a capital is a privilege for Oromo, not a punishment that they have to ask Ethiopians to give them anther “special privilege”;
    5. TPLF/EPRDF should solve Orthodox Church problem in Ethiopia and outside; it has to understand solving that problem and collaborating with them will help Ethiopia in many ways; for example, they could easily convince their followers to support the GRED and other developments in Ethiopia. They have many followers and bringing them back will be a plus to solve many problems including restoring Geez as a national Fidel for all languages including Oromigna etc. and creating STRONG ETHIOPIA.
    6. TPLF/EPRDF has to understand Ethiopian universities are Federal properties not Killil; I have been talking on this issue for more than 2 year now, please see my comments —- for example read my comment using “tt tt” on the following ENN news on yourube “Ethiopia: ደብረብርሀን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በዳግማዊ ሚንሊክ የተሰየመ አዲስ ካምፓስ ሊከፍት ነው – ENN News” … my writing title is “ANDM is following TPLF footsteps in Ethnicization of Ethiopian Universities”.
    7. TPLF/EPRDF should be lenient on the Ethiopian Flag, if people chose to use Green-Yellow-Red, without star, I think they should not be treated as criminals; there are many reasons for people not to choose the one with “Star”, for example, I talked to religious people from Tigray, and they prefer without “star” for religious reason; In allowing people to use the flag without “star” as an alternative flag, EPRDF could bring many oppositions to its side; and he can decrease the issue from the many issues some Ethiopia loving people have a problem with EPRDF. I understand maybe there is a dilemma how to fix this issue, because, EPRDF was talking how the Green-Yellow-Red is a flag of “Derg Loving” people for more than 25 years now; but in reality, there is no proof to accuse people who genuinely like Green-Yellow-Red (without Star) that they like DERG, for example, I hate DERG but I like Green-Yellow-Red flag (because I believe, Green-Yellow-Red without star is Ethiopia’s flag, not Derg’s flag).
    8. I could list more, but I think these are good start for EPRDF to make a real change.

    Tariku Tezera

  19. By working so close for the last 40 years or so, it is imaginable how the current leadership can be immersed in an interwoven and family kind of relationship, where one is ashamed of criticizing (harming) the other. However, without the gut of getting out of that situation and embarking to bold and collective action, the health and survival of TPLF will be questionable. Needless to say the continuity of the country as one. It is a matter of saving the people and country versus saving individuals. Despite volatility of the situation and the fragility, I still firmly believe that TPLF has the ability to overcome the situation, bring the people of Tigray together and do another miracle. I’m praying the legacy of our visionary leader, late PM Meles Zenawi, and the souls of our martyrs, to be in control of the conference!

    • Do not full yourself. Meles was not and has never been visionary at all. What makes you believe that he was particularly when it comes to Tigray. He did a lot of damage and it is time that every Tigrayan stops this madness.

    • I hate this mantra of visionary leader. You forgot the people when all is good? now you wanted the people all in one? is that selfish? Just only when you are need of them? Shame

  20. TPLF has achieved its stated goal. It’s outlived its life and goal. The world is changing, but the party has remained stuck in the past still looking for a defined enemy ( i.e derg), suspicious, secretive, exclusionary and hoarding power. TPLF needs to change. There should be NO Tigray people liberation front. Breaking news; Tigray has been liberated from the yolks of derg, but the people are under siege by few TPLF members. BTW, the same goes for EPRDF. Open, the party to able and competent people. Stay away from monopolizing the economy. Get rid of EFFORT ( give the money to the state and the people), raine on corruption. This will create confidence in the govern and in the country. Otherwise endless party evaluation and self-evaluation will not bring confidence in the governed nor in the country.

    • First of all you do not evaluate yourself. You have to two evaluations; Subjective and objective. Subjective evaluation is self-evaluation which is filled with bias, self-serving conclusion. The real evaluation is done by a neutral and external body which must be the people . But in Ethiopia Woyane ak EPRDF does only subjective one which is does not involve the people. The end result crisis. The big mistakes was given all power to one man and relying on him. When he disappear of all Sudan, you become a blind. This is a repeat of Emperor Yohanes. When Emp Yohanes died, the whole thing became of house of cards.

  21. Selam!! Aiga Forum
    i think first of all there should be elected new vibrant young members and then let those old guys be sit back and relax and watch how the new guys (included females) play rock and roll . Guys we dont hav time move on ……

  22. This what people call the growing pains. EPRDF stood tall and worked hard to bring the country great success. At the same time EPRD was sleeping when the central structure was being eroded. This shifted the power balance and created the unrest and destruction and no one was help responsible. It is about time for EPRDF to have honest discussion to rescue the country from falling apart.

    As for TPLF, the current leaders need to be accountable and replaced where necessary. TPLF and Tigray are not benefiting in the same way other are. Why? One needs to look at the Water shortage and the streets of Adwa and the Makelle Stadium are good examples.

  23. Selam!!! Aiga Forum,
    i think first of all there should be elected new young vibrant members and let those old guys sit back and relax and watch how the new guys (included females ) play rock and roll. Guys we dont have time… move on !!!

  24. always follow news and others issues produced by Aigaforum . I appreciate your effort in putting your perspective, on political social and economical issues that could help our county in achieving scio-economy progresses. When I come to the point, personally as an Ethiopian and specially as a Tigrean, I am worry about the current conference of TPLF which is held in Mekelle. Days come and go but people always live till the end of the world. My concern is that, there is no choice the members of the TPLF put rational perspectives, recognize realities than using political power for protecting corrupted individuals and unproductive groups . In democracy people are always perfect. Don’t think everything will continue as today or before. My fear is when things change, reversion comes. Reversion has become the major bottle neck to Tigray regional state and as the whole to Ethiopia.
    Long live TPLF!

  25. Thank you Aiga.
    Melee was smart & intelligent but nor a good leader. All that we see today is the result of his leadership & that of his cronies. Biggest issues we have now are his creation. Take corruption, ethnic politics, a landlocked country, Eritrean issue & associated baggage, election fiasco of 2005, death of democracy as well as the rule of law , silencing of journalists; stifling of peaceful opposition6…they are all the results of his leadership that led to the current situation. A good leader leaves a lasting entity , a going concern. What we have now is a country faced with a grave danger that is a making of its own. Thus Melee was not a good leader. He was rather a feared leader who alienated able politicians and promoted the weak who did not question but acted just as messengers. Now we don’t have able leaders! A good leader leaves a legacy that is based on solid grounds. I cannot call meles a good leader.
    True, he was intelligent, well read, eloquent , smart…… But not a good leader. A good leader does not leave his people in such a mess !
    What I know about the TPLF conference, I got from Aiga; a statement in shell that doesn’t dare to say what it knows. Just like the usual Aiga! Tell us what you know in clear language if you can.
    Aiga knew the problems in the country for a long time but didn’t dare to say them out except occasional indirect references. Aiga chose to run long boring blah blah written by cadres who reside in the air ( not on the Ethiopian ground) and paid a blind eye to the realities of life in Ethiopia.
    Of course there were a few exceptions such as Dawit’s interview.
    Having said that, I agree with you that it is time for unity . This is a moment when the forces of evil have gained ground and want to annihilate the good cause. It is time to evaluate and criticize each member of the leadership with a view to correct mistakes and repulse the evil push together.
    Our country is in a grave situation. Division and internal strife will only make the situation worse.
    You ask where are the leaders. They were purged by the good leader resulting in a very much weakened front. It shall not be repeated!
    The party needs to welcome intellectuals & dissent. It is filled with conformist and opportunists. Eventually, it has to clean its membership .
    Aiga can also help by reporting things as they are instead of acting as the younger sister of EBC. Aiga can help by accommodating realities that the cadres may not like. Dawit’s interview, for which I commend you, created a reverberation that rang bells in every individual’s mind. A smart leader would work on the issues that resonated with the public. You can help in that way. Right now, you are just a cadre square!
    Thank you for giving this opportunity to air our opinions.

    • Hi Mahlet,
      Your reasoning is valuable, plausible and timely. Thank you for what you have stated and concluded. Let flowers be allowed to blossom and galvanize interested ones, that is, ideas that deal with the way forward in recognizing, addressing and solving Ethiopia’s current challenges.

  26. to me TPLF has to master today`s Politics….the younger Generation has to come forward…..and substitute those tegadelties with NEW and educated one…the Old guard has To stay at the back ground as a back up,..and also they have to consile with those opposing voices from Tigrian Community atlarg inside and outside……No one has To be left outside. its NOW the time everybody as a whole To come together, forget the past and focus to the future ,…

  27. Dear Editor,
    can you also comment why TPLF is still TPLF
    what was their goal as liberation front?
    do u think they achieve that or working on it….
    TPLF is loosing power by day every day they are doing reverse after reverse
    no vision not for Tigri let alone Ethiopia
    to be honest they should be behind bar

  28. Recently, the Eritrean forces are preparing to take over power in Eritrea. Wedi Medhin-Berad will not be in his chair soon in the future. Prepare for any eventuality.

  29. Recently, the Eritrean forces are preparing to take over power in Eritrea. Wedi Medhin-Berad will not be in his chair soon in the future.

  30. Like Meles, the newly elected TPLF leaders must have an all-rounded personality. They must be highly knowledgeable about history, politics, religion and economics of the world, in particular about Ethiopia, Eritrea and the region. All should have a world class-mind who can stand with confidence at a world stage. However, TPLF have not welcomed or have pushed aside thousands of committed Tigray intellectuals who can lead from the front. All Tigray intellectuals should be welcomed and elected at the grass-root level. The brave old tegadelti must lead from behind as Advisors.

  31. to me TPLF has to master today Politics….the younger Generation has to come forward…..and substitute those tegadelties with NEW and educated one…the Old guard has To stay at the back ground as a back up,..and also they have to consile with those opposing voices from Tigrian Community atlarg inside and outside……No one has To be left outside. its NOW the time everybody as a whole To come together forget the past and focus to the future ,…

  32. TPLF/EPRDF was doing significant work in regards to nationwide development, planned by our hero late prime minister and his very close to him colleagues. However, some shift behavior is currently happening, related to corruption with no clear evidence/hidden evidence. TPLF should clear this type of problem, in order to reverse the falling image of TPLF. The public interest with the current TPLF/EPRDF good governance are not lining up, actually the angle between them is increasing. The public has to play a major role at this time helping his/her own organisation to reform scientifically system instead of “push me” system.
    I would like to thanks to some of TPLF/EPRDF high ranks people, devoted to their country and to their organisation working without tireless. Because these few people still our country is going ahead with all difficulties. It is to time assist TPLF/EPRDF in order to stop/reverse the falling of the organisation . We can discuss our pro and cons later after we completed the construction of our great Hedase dam.


  34. Dear Aigaforum,
    It seems like you are trying so hard to divided EPRDF into pieces. Currently what we see in Ethiopian politics is expected in democratic process.You may not have enough information what is going on with in the party please stop assuming and spreading rumours when you dont have the right information.I understand your website is more important to you than anything else and I hope you are not doing all these such rumors to serve your purposes.

  35. Invite conference/ panel discussion for intellectual Tigreans here and Mekelle.
    Next Tigray Regional governor should be higher professional with good management skill perso, Like Arkebe or Bitew Belay. Hire advisors, project writers like Tewolde Woldemariam, Alemseged G. Amlak.


  36. ‘With the sudden death of Meles’ was that called sudden? He died after a long agonizing pain and expedited by Abebe’s thunderous condemnation… so sudden death like a car accident or you were expecting he could be alive for 93 years like Mugabe

  37. I think creating a stronger Federal government is the solution, while the Federal system is still in place. It looks like EPRDF worked hard building state governments (based on ethnicity) and gave to much power to States. When state leaders are out of control or incapable of leading, the federal gov should easily take control of the state gov.

    I called a family member last year when riot was taking place in the country. I asked him if family was ok. Firmly, he said ‘we are ok and there will be no issue in Addis Ababa’. I asked him what made him sure. He said everybody know that Addis is free and belongs to all ethnicities.
    Why can’t EPRDF make the whole Ethiopia free that belongs to all ethnicities?

  38. i dont think tplf is to blame on the current sate of ethipia right now in all wrong and good things .i beilve eprdf is in cambpable of solving problem as a whole. where is the tegadalay is a argent question? why is the prime minster removed all his advisers from theier post in the name of hirring edicated professional minsters with no exprience . where are we going from here ? last year was amhara and tigray ,this year is between somali and oromo vs amhara. god save ethiopia from the distruction from in.

  39. Dear Aigaforum
    First, Thank you for keeping us abreast on the current condition.
    It is sad that EPRDF has not learned from it’s past mistake. It always finds it self putting out fire, instead of take actions preemptively before widespread firestorm.
    We hope EPRDF comes up with new , bold and lasting resolution.
    You informed your readers about the tense meeting that is going on but did TPLF leadership tried to involve the future leaders in their meeting? It would have been a hands on training and passing on the baton.
    Second: for how long is EPRDF to remain stitched up Front ? It is time to change the Font to a single party to avoid a renegade movement which is afflicting the organization.
    Third : Why is the security of the country left to the regional administration? t seems obvious that they are using the crises to their advantage or are the cause of the crises. We hope the are held accountable.
    Fourth. It is overdo that TPLF breaks its silence and explain to the Tigray people why nothing has been said or done about the Target killing of Tigrians in many parts of the country.
    Fifth: Is it time to revisit and amend article 39? Is article 39 giving upper hand for the majority instead of protecting minority? I would like to hear hoe others feel about it

  40. Yes, LPM Meles was successful in engineering and and managing the split crisis that occurred in early 2000. However, remember that Meles didn’t do this in an honest manner when it comes to fighting corruption and cleaning TPLF .from rent seekers. The LPM’s sole focus was to get rid off his political opponents and challengers. In fact, many expressed their concerns that some of the individuals who supported the LPM were more corrupted than the group LPM purged from TPLF. Will they be honest and genuine this time? We have to wait and see. Otherwise things do look good but let us be optimistic.

  41. Reflecting now on the Ethiopian political development of the past decade
    gives me a mixed bag of some success and some failure.
    Omitting the success story for another day.
    The failure of the “MEDIA” to adequately reflect and genuinely promote
    the agendas of development and history of the Nation as outlined and
    by the majority lead party – the EPRDF.
    The failure is the role the public and private medias played. They failed
    below the minimum requirement they supposed to be. They were pre-
    occupied only with the negative and divisive agendas promoting them
    only in the hope to attract readers and please without giving any due
    attention to the genuine developments undergoing under the EPRDF
    agenda. These medias were focused only on strife, rivalry and dissent.
    Second……….is the inability of Tplf to completely free itself from the
    nostalgia of the past and from the thought patterns of its field days that
    dragged the EPRDF badly backwards.
    I also feel that the Tplf was promoting and executing the agenda of its
    opponents with full use of the governance and government apparatus
    or machinery to its own and the EPRDF’s demise.
    Also may be out of pace and out of step with its core supporters too.
    Yours ,

  42. Dear AIGA,
    It is all dejavou again. What do you expect from an organization which survives by simply hiding behind the sanctification paid by countless Tegarus during the struggle? What happened to democracy, multiparty, freedom of expression, power by the ballot.. all those novel causes that rallied the people of Tigray? How did we end up into the present fascist style governance?
    MELES for me is not the missing link. I know he could have untangled what he delibratly messed for tactical or strategic reasons. But there are more smart people than Meles if you dismantle the fascist system and open up the political space for TPLF or other EPRDF members. Now faceless Mosolinie is in power. What this faceless leader knows is to kill imprison or torture anyone who comes with an idea. The people are fed up and there will be no second chance. All the temkehtegna tibabe divide and rule strategy is not going to work. All the morale uperhand to stand firm and fight the fight gone. The solution is in TPLF’s hand. Do what Amoraw would have done if he just resurect to day. Do you remeber his last words: the people are angry, they want democracy and freedom, they want to be treated equally. It is that simple. However, For the faceless leader, these is hard to do because if done it will take him and his cronies to their grave. It just like Mugabie…..take down your country to the grave with you….

    Peace to all Ethiopians!

  43. TPLF is secretive as has always been and I have no knowledge of what is going on now. But based on the grapevine spreading around, TPLF’s road has come to an end.
    It is beyond repair. If they have any shred of love to their country they need to start working immediately on peaceful transition where they can transfer power to the people who were supposedly should own it legitimately. Any solution short of this would create chaos and wouldn’t serve the interest of the people. As an Ethiopian citizen born in Tigray, I should make a tough decision not to go with TPLF to the grave. When I say TPLF I don’t mean TPLF members. I only mean the idea TPLF has been carrying for decades.

  44. You are a part and a parcel of the problem. You hide , you cover up and you dictate . You act yourself as PM. We know you , you were with Meles group. We remember you were insulting me Siye. Now you became mediator or wise adviser when it is too late. You are either self or arrogant. You calling other Ethiopians extremists/ What do you want us to say now? only when you are in trouble you wanted ideas from people? when the milk is flowing you are on the boss? Shame on you.

  45. I am an ETHIOPIAN praying for the GOOD OF ALL!!!!
    My Fellow Ethiopians!!! I pray for a genuine repentance!!! People accept and are always forgiving for any wrong-doing done if it comes from the heart!!! The cries of millions who have been wronged in one way or another have been knocking at the door of The Almighty God, King of kings, Christ Jesus. In my little understanding, I believe this is the LAST call to repent for all the leaders. I’m not talking religious here! It’s rather begging all to come to our senses and recognize that we are Humans created equal! It’s a blessing to have the opportunity to ‘MINISTER’ people, only if we are servant leaders. But, it can be the greatest curse if one sees people as slaves. I beg all leaders to question themselves, WHY I AM HERE FOR? HAVE I CREATED THE SAME HEALTHY-BRIGHT ENVIRONMENT FOR OPPORTUNITY TO ALL PEOPLE OR JUST for ‘mIne’ only? IS MY MOTTO ‘living goooooood’ or ‘DYING GOOD’?….
    May The Lord give the spirit of forgiveness and repentance to ALL OF US…..
    with much respect,

  46. Thanks for this piece, Aigaforum, you have confirmed what every sane Ethiopian knows. TPLF and the so called EPRDF are past their expiry date. It is just about time for the rotten TPLF to crumble and hand over the country to able Ethiopians.
    Wedi Tegaru

  47. The timing for this leadership crisis within TPLF?EPRDF? can’t get any worse. TPLF needs unity now more than even before.
    However, this anarchic and endless “Gimgema”, impromptu reshufflings, senseless demotions of medieval character and knee-jerk kind of firings of so many leaders from all levels of the hierarchy is going cost TPLF and EPRDF, and finally Ethiopia, their existence.
    The old guard composed of Sibhat and his family members, and Abay, Getachew Asefa, Debretsion, etc ,and their faceless and nameless clicks, need to think twice about what they are doing to TPLF/EPRDF. The moderate old guards such as Dr Arkebe and Mr Seyium Mesfin should stop the Sibhat group on its fractious track and preferably convert it to a unifier and not a divider, and finally, offer help in stabilize the kindling situation in TPLF?EPRDF?…

  48. The problem is lawlessness. No law is respected. Things or the country is run by nepotism or network of connected people. Changing people will not change anything . There must be law wherever everyone walks on it on tight rope with no exception. In the absence of law, it does not matter how many times you shuffle people.

  49. I strongly agree that the educated and well experienced ones should come to the front.
    In the past all the able and educated tegadalties such as Arkebe were sidelined by Meles and his cronies simply because they were potential threats to his leadership – Don’t get me wrong Meles had so much talent and capabilities and I was and am his ardent supporter but there are so many short comings that we inherited due to his insatiable greed to power.
    Why are we labouring with and having people like Abay Welue at the top who could not convince anyone other than themselves, while we are blessed with able and educated people such as Arkebe, Debretsion and others? Why are we having people like Azeb Mesfin in the top while we have so many intelligent people sidelined by our previous leader.
    If TPLF does not bring these intelligent and capable individuals to the front then everyone should know we are doomed to fail collectively

  50. Conduct an early TRULY open and fair election with international observers and let the people speak. You will not do it but that will address the problem.

  51. Dear Aiga,

    As the very survival of our people is at stake, I would agree with Aiga that this topic is timely and every Tigrayan needs to discuss and give constructive and thoughtful ideas. The enemies of Tigray were there and this is not new. While Tigray was defending the country called Ethiopia since its inception, the enemies repeatedly targeting the people of Tigray in cruel way throughout history and they are doing whatever they can (physical, psychological) to hurt our people for reasons that are only known to them. This enmity and cruelty is well documented in history and there is no need to dwell on it. The brave people of Tigray have never kneel-down and when they say enough is enough they know how to shake what seems unimaginable. Indeed, they are patriots when it comes to foreign aggression or internal injustices. This exceptional brave people are currently viciously attacked once again in some part of Ethiopia, initially in Amhara and now in Oromia region. The properties are burned or vandalized, lives are lost and our people are blackmailed in to submission. This is happening with the participation and consent of what we call “EPRDF sister parties” in both regions. This violent and well orchestrated assault on our people needs a serious discussion among the TPLF in particular and the Tigrayan populace in general. This time cannot be business as usual. As people and TPLF, we need to ask how we end-up where we find ourselves today after so much scarifies. Where did we go wrong? Moreover, what would be the solutions (short-term and long-term)? Particularly all the leadership of TPLF needs deep soul searching.

    A major blunder was made in 1993 when the majority of executives of TPLF (if I remember correctly 8/9) were purged from the party which subsequently followed throughout the rank and file of TPLF cadres, military and security apparatus on perceived or real power threat. In the process, the party lost many principled and bright TPLF members and eroded our unity. This gave opportune time to opportunists who were waiting to hit our people hard and with the help of Meles they did. Who could forget the television transmission characterizing the Tegadelti “Feudal lords” who only think for Tigray while Meles was sitting by their side? What followed after this unfortunate split was serious marginalization of Tigray economically and politically, further exposing our people to the traditional enemies. The political problems emanate from installing ignorant and incompetent TPLF leadership. The TPLF that showed miracle to the world was changed in to yes men devoid of vision and strategic thinking. Some became corrupt and opportunists who take care themselves and their close families instead of the greater good. Tigray development was completely reversed by Meles (e.g., no more SART, no more Golgol Raya etc.,; we were back to Horeye and Betek principle). Due to this and incompetence and wide corrupt practices, Tigray became one of the poorest region in the country. Its people are subject to intolerable maladministration. The people who scarified a lot for justice got injustices wherever they go. I know a lot of people, including Aiga, have great appreciation for Meles and I agree that he is an extraordinary man who achieved a lot nationally and internationally. However, he failed the very people he spent struggling and Tigray is paying economically, socially and politically the consequences of his shortsighted policy. To consolidate his political power as a sole mover and shaker in the country, corrupted, opportunistic and often uneducated yes men throughout EPRDF surrounded him. These people are still roaming around creating havoc in the country. As a result, Tigray is the least developed and marginalized save the statistics we hear and saw day in and day out for the last 26 years. Look at EFFORT for example. The companies were established in the 1990’s. They were established in the early days and they never increased in number, wealth or quality after the split. Take drinking water in Mekelle and other towns, which is embarrassing, the dismal private investments, underperforming and deteriorating schools, etc. We can go on and on the deep and numerous political and social problems currently persist in the region. Every Tigrayan knows these issues except few myopic people who has stake in the current status quo. We repeatedly see that an economically weak Tigary and emasculated TPLF cannot negotiate from a point of strength with the central government and solve the persistent problems that exist today. A direct result is the disrespect of our people (killing, deportation, confiscation of hard won properties and blackmailing) throughout the country, last year from Amhara region and now from Oromia. It is also sad to see that no one utters a word about their sufferings and some of the TPLF cadres go all the way to accuse the victim instead of saving their life. They tell them to go back even if it is still risky. If it was not for AIGA and HornAffairs, we would not have heard any news on the horrendous act on the tegadelty in Shashemenie and on the suffering of our people in Shinfa, Metema and in Gondar. TPLF is not communicating with its people and its supporters. The federal government is doing nothing to address the suffering of our people. There is a concerted and calculated efforts by our enemies to erode the unity of our people be it between the people and TPLF, among TPLF and between our people. In the face of these serious and existential problems, it is time to soul search as people and TPLF to confront these problems and bring tangible changes that go beyond sloganeering in the name of martyrs.

    First, TPLF should realize that the status quo is untenable. To slow and stop the downward spiral, the organization needs urgent reform and chart a new path that takes in to account current Tigray and Ethiopian reality. To do so, it has to open its door to well-educated visionary nationalists who can save the party and propel the struggle to new high. Competent intellectuals with commitment to the people of Tigray need to come forward. We are in the 21fist century and governing using 20th century methods will not work. New leaders that are politically well informed and follow current affairs through reading pertinent world literature and devise workable strategy are urgently needed. While we should be thankful for our genuine Tegadelti who dedicated their life to the cause of their people including those in power, it is about time to replace them with vibrant and dynamic new leaders. They need rest and can still contribute and share experience to the new comers. Competence, integrity and hard work should be the criteria for selecting the new leaders, not political loyalty. Meles’s vision for Tigray was disastrous and is the major reason for our quickmire today as people and party. Therefore, TPLF should abandon the status quo and devise a new direction for our people.

    Second, once a new leadership is formed, it is important to immediately work on rehabilitating Tigray economically by mobilizing resources, talent, manpower and investors. Give our people hope and show them that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Whether you do it or not the enemies will bark. So do not hesitate to show the fullest potential of our people. Do understand that currently moral is very low. While EFFORT has its own role, it should not dominate all spheres of investment including competing the last Gulit and win (e.g., a hotel in Axum). An economically strong Tigray that is at peace with itself is good for its people and the country as a whole.
    Third, TPLF needs to reexamine seriously its coalition and working relationship with EPRDF, if EPRDF still exists. The EPRDF we know is no more and the current sister parties are blackmailing day in and day out the people of Tigray and its organization. At least they seem highly infiltrated by anti-peace and anti-people forces. As mentioned above, a strong and visionary leadership that unites our people will be key. Our people, particularly the youth, needs continuous education and political consciousness so that they can confront the situation well-informed.

    Fourth, it is apparent that the federal government seems less interested in solving the no war and no peace with Eritrea, which is hurting a lot Tigray. In fact, some may use it as a means of weakening Tigray by labeling it as risky for investments further marginalizing. The TPLF should work diligently and do what is in its capacity to solve this problem without ceding any Tigray land. If peace is not achievable through negotiation, use alternative mechanisms.

    Fifth, as the people it is not enough to criticize TPLF alone. We need to be part of the change and we should help. Remember that the TPLF is still the vanguard of the people of Tigray and we should join hands as it moves to earnestly renew itself. There is no alternative for us at present

  52. Dears,
    two things! let us think of this opportunities.

    1. if TPLF is split, its better to have multi parties with different opinions. that way the public will have many views. please be reminded that the communism era has long gone. today, people must be engaged in dialogue.

    my view is the name TPLF to be no longer use by the parties. both will have their own name. that way they will not hide their fault under the previous leaders, bla bla…

    back in 2001, it was a huge mistake to lose our leaders. Had they been allowed to play in the county’s politics, young leaders could have learnt a lot from their acumen. unfortunately, they were treated as enemy. This created a huge gap when Meles died.

    2. if the 1st option does not work for TPLF, just like OPDO did, please bring young and educated leaders who can inspire the young generation. it is so boring to see the old guard for the past 27 years.

    One of the leaders happen to be Azeb. i am sorry to say this but she does not have the quality of a leader. Remember when she spoke angrily that Meles was poor and starved on national television during EPRDF’s conference in Bahirdar? I had enough of her at that time.

    Really? was Meles living as a poor? can she tell (educate) what poor means to the people of Ethiopia?

    any how, God bless Ethiopia!!

  53. Why is such a great party for which tens of thousands sacrificed their lives being led by mediocre cadres like Abay Woldu? The current top leadership promised changes many times and failed. It is because they are not capable.
    The only solution is if the party brings back some of the capable and respected veterans back to leadership. Why does TPLF have incapable people as chairman while there are such capable people like Arkebe Oqubay?

  54. ህወሓት ብቀፃልነት ንታሕቲ ትወርድ ኣላ; ንአብነት;
    1. መላእ ህዝቢ ብፍላይ መንእሰይ ብሓሳብ አእሚኑ ናብ ሓደ ናይ ልምዓት መሰመር ከላዓዕል ዝኽእል ዓቅሚ ዘለዎ አመራራሐሓ የለን ;
    2. ድኽነት ትግራይ ብጣዕሚ ሰፊሕ እዪ ዘሎ; ብጣዕሚ አብ ትሕቲ ድኽነት ዘሎ ህዝቢ መሕዘኒ እዩ;
    3. ክልላዊ ሀፍቲ; ሀገራዊ ብፅሒት; ዓለማዊ ሓገዛት እና ናይ ተወልድቲ ዓቅምተታት አዋዲድካ ብሓፂር ጊዜ አእሚኑ ድኽነት አብ ሕድሕድ ወረዳ ክፈትሕ ዝኽእል አመራራሓ ናብ ቅድሚት መፂኡ ካብ አሰልቺ ስብሰባ ዝተላቀቀ ገስጋሳይ ; ጎያዪ ; መእመኒ አመራራሓ ዕድል ክወሀቦ አለዎ; ትግራዋይ በየ በትኡ እናተሰደተ ብዓርሰ እምነቱ እናተደሀለ; መንነቱ እናሓብአ ካብ ቀፃሊ ናይ ስደት አባዜ እንተዘይተላቂቁ ሐደግኡ ከቢድ አዩ:: ንአብነት: መሰቦ ሲሚንቶ መሰረተ እምኒ እንትቅመጥ ዝተበሀለ” ትግራይ ሓፅብታት ; መትረባት እና ድልድያት ብምስራሕ ካብ ድኽነት ክነላቅቃ ኢና” ተባሂሉ; አበይ አሎ እዚ?
    4. ብዙሓት ዝተመሀሩ መናእሰይ ተጋሩ ንምንታይ ሰደት የቀድሙ; አየስርሑናን ኢሎም ንምንታይ ተስፋ ይቆርፁ? ንምንታይ አብ ተቋውሞ ዓምዲ ይስለፉ? ንምንታይ ሕድሕድ ዓቅሚ መንእሰይ ዘይንጥቀመሉ? ንምንታይ ዝተወደበ ናይ ሰብ ዓቅሚ አጠቃቅማን ትንታነ ዘይህሉ; እዚ ንምትንታንም ግዜ ንምርካብ ዓመት ከብ ዓመት ካብ ስብሰባ አባዜ ዘይንላቀቅ? ብስብሰባ ክንደይ ግዜ; ጉልበት; ሀፍቲ ይጠፍእ አሎ?
    5. ብንእሽተይ ነገር ንምንታይ ንዘናጋዕ? ሓንቲ ናይ ሓምለዋይ ዓለም ለኸ ሽልማት በብወረዳ ትግራይ ዓመት ሙሉእ እናዘርካ ምጭፋር ትኽክል ድዩ? ድኽነት ትግራይ አብ ሕድሕድ መንገድና እናረኣናዮ ንምንታይ ንዘናጋዕ? ለውጥታት የለውን አይበልኩን ግን ካብዚ ንዓቀብ ተዓፃፃፊ ምኾነ ነይሩ;
    6. አብ ዓለም ብዝሓት ናይ ልምዓት ድርጅታትን መንግስታትን አለው; ነዚ አእሚኑ ልምዓት ትግራይ ከጉዪ ዝኽእል ፅዕንቶ ፈጣሪ አመራራሓ አሎ ዶ? ምኽንያቱ ናይ ትግራይ ዋና ሽግር ድኽነት እዩ; ብኻሊእ ብተነፃፃሪ ዘተሓሳስብ ነገር ውሱን እዩ; ሰለዚ አብዚ ንፅባሕ ዝብሀል ችግር አይኮነን; ድኽነት ንምድርባይ ኩሉ መማረፂ ክንጥቀም አለና; ሰብ ኩሉ ናብ ሀይሀይታ ክአቱ አለዎ; አሰራራሓና ክዝምን አለዎ; ሰራሕተኛታት መንግስታውን ግላውን አብ ኔትወርክ ምጉድዳእን ተንኮልን ከይውዕል ፃዕሪ ይገበር::
    7. አብ ትግራይ ዘሎ ዓቅምታት ብደንቢ ንፍለጦ ንተንትኖ; ዓቅሚ ትግራዋየይ በዓል ሀፍቲ ወዲብና ንጠቀመሉ; ካብ ስግአት ነፃ ኾይኑ ዓዱ የልምዕ; መራሒ ሰለ ዘይረኸበ ናይ ፋሽን መኪናን መነባብሮን በብመዓልቱ እናቀያየረ ይ ውዕል አሎ; ናብ ከባቢ ትውልዱ ተመሊሱ ህዝቡ ክሕግዝ አይጋየን; መንነቱ አጥፊኡ ተሓቢኡ ክነብር እዩ ዝረአ ዘሎ::
    8. ህወሓት ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብዝተኸአለ ሓድነቱ ናብ ሐደ ክቸምፀኦ አለዋ; አብ ድርጅት ይኹን አብ ግሊ እናተጠላለፍካ ናብ ትሕቲ ዓቅሚ ምውራድ ካብ ሕሉፍ ምምሀር የድሊ; ኩሎም ሓይልታት ትግራዋይና ትግራዋይ ጥራሕ ይኹን እንበር ከብ ምጥፋእ; ምድኻም ንድሕሪት አይብሉን: ነዚ ንምምካት ድማ ድኽነት ኣብ ትግራይ ምድኻም; መንእሰይ ብስራሕ መምፅማድ ; ዓርሰ እምነት አብ ክልሉ ምፍጣር ብቀፃልም ለገራዊ ግቡእኻ ምውፃእ ዝሐሸ መማረፂ ይመስለኒ:: ንሀገራዊ ጉዳይ ኣብ ቀፃሊ ሓሳብ ንምሀብ ክምኩር እየ
    ዓይጋፎሮም የቀንየለይ::

  55. As a local citizen, I’ve lost confidence on the legitimacy of the family oriented and rotten style of leadership. Also very sad to witness very incompetent and corrupt individuals, indeed about 70%, had become PB and CC members of the party. How come????Therefore, fundamental change in the leadership of TPLF is highly recommended. There are a number of competent and genuine ‘Nebar Tegadelti’ who have been truthfully serving but later retired from the military and their involvement as new members in the upcoming leadership may save the party, together with a newly recruited self-confident intellectuals who can bring new vision and direction in political and socio-economic situation of the region, and the country.

  56. The Tagadalay, have been become corrupt bureaucrats. Power corrupts!They have been in power for longer than the Derg dictators. I wish Meles had relinquished his position before his untimely death, that would have sealed his legacy as the ultimate leader.

  57. Yes, it is true that the people have paid a lot to realize and see a country of good leader, as leadership has been, and is, the way out of all the political and economic ills Ethiopia has been facing for centuries. One way or another, we all have paid believing that one day our people will be having trust worthy leaders and make poverty and other social ills a history.
    To borrow the language of economists, Leadership a ‘scarce commodity’ particularly, that of political leadership, at least in our case. Existing and future leaders should understand that the common people have paid all, including their irreplaceable lives not to build empires of elitists and power lust rulers. Rather, they paid all the costs to bring about visionary and sharing leaders so that all citizens could be getting back for what they paid.
    We all expect our current leaders to think institutionally, not in terms of individual empire building. Please save, don’t waste, the ‘scarce commodity’!! Try to broaden and diversify the leadership field through attracting and developing fresh minds, and, by doing so, you will minimize or eliminate circular and group centered conflicts, that we observe today. Cronyism and Nepotism should not be allowed to prevail; Meritocracy should have a strong foothold in the political and economic institutions of Tigray, in particular, and Ethiopia, in general, in stead!

    • Look from different perspectives
      After all, we should not wrongly relate the survival of the country or the people with the health conditions of a party or parties, as some concerned writers tried to forward; as parties are not formal organizations entrusted by their constituencies with the accountabilities of all sorts for party flaws. We, as citizens have a government to entrust with keeping our freedom defended all the time.
      We have a reliable defense institution staffed with professional officers along with a dependable army to defend the law of the land (Constitution) from external aggressions, as well as internal hooligans; organized judiciary system to interpret and maintain the rule of law towards ensuring due justice; modern and dependable security and police systems to ensure the law and order of the country based on the Constitution.
      Alright? Well, parties could be useful, (as, at the same time, are harmful if used as tools to serve specific group or individual interests), in that leadership talents could be nurtured and advanced for future leadership needs in place of exiting seniors. But this task of the party is neither irreplaceable nor indispensable. We can live without parties with enhanced freedom. Naivety? Let’s learn.

  58. there is no need to keep weyane in power! weyane has been foreign to their thoughts and has been doing their best to dismantle the nation, but now the people are taking actions against weyane. it is the end of weyane, the end of ethnic federation, and most important of all the end of weyane>
    Long live Ethiopia !
    Down with with weyane!

  59. The problem in the country is, the federal government is not showing a clear leadership. The country have to have democracy and freedom but that is completely different from anarchy and lawlessness. Either the regional government in Oromia is hijacked by the hate group and they are letting the chaos happen in their region purposely or they are not competent enough to deal and govern their region.

    The video posted by an opposition group below at the end of my comment clearly shows the anarchist are taking the law in to their own hands using very young boys and it seems like OLF is in charge in the region.

    At times like this the federal government has an obligation to take charge in securing peace and security to the region. If the federal law doesn’t address it, then they have to craft a new bill in parliament to deal with it. We see in the video, the people kicked out the driver and his helper and they jumped on top of the track and took full control while the police look at them and left with a pick up car and did nothing.

    This is an acceptable and it clearly shows there is a gap in the leadership of the federal government as well as the state government. Yes the federal government knows what is going on in the Ormia region and it has to step up to the plat and find a solution.

    The chaos in that region is not only affecting Oromia but all the other regions as well specially the Somali region where they keep blocking any track going through.

    The new security plan to deal with the chaos in the region is a way in the right direction, we just have to wait and see how that unfolds.

    I dont think Meles would have allowed this had he been alive.

  60. The problem in the country is, the federal government is not showing a clear leadership. The country have to have democracy and freedom but that is completely different from anarchy and lawlessness. Either the regional government in Oromia is hijacked by the hate group and they are letting the chaos happen in their region purposely or they are not competent enough to deal and govern their region.

    The video posted at the end of my comment clearly shows the anarchist are taking the law in to their own hands using very young boys and it seems like OLF is in charge in the region.

    At times like this the federal government has an obligation to take charge in securing peace and security to the region. If the federal law doesn’t address it, then they have to craft a new bill in parliament to deal with it. We see in the video, the people kicked out the driver and his helper and they jumped on top of the track and took full control while the police look at them and left with a pick up car and did nothing.

    This is an acceptable and it clearly shows there is a gap in the leadership of the federal government as well as the state government. Yes the federal government knows what is going on in the Ormia region and it has to step up to the plat and find a solution.

    The chaos in that region is not only affecting Oromia but all the other regions as well specially the Somali region where they keep blocking any track going through.

    The new security plan to deal with the chaos in the region is a way in the right direction, we just have to wait and see how that unfolds. It must be clear, what we see in oromia is a riot not a peaceful protest.

    I dont think Meles would have allowed this had he been alive.

  61. OROMAI IS the case WOY-ANE has built itself on a marshland ignoring the perils of building a castle on swampy area but then it is typical thinking of DEDEBIT Graduates, so now the case is RIH WOY-ANE must be buried 100 feet under or below Meles the Criminal who is rotting in hell!!!

  62. As a concerned citizen I thoroughly discuss on the matter with friends and family deeply. But I reached on the following key conclusions,
    1. TPLF should redefined EPRDF Again, so to Speak should enlarge its Constituencies by making the so called “Agare organizations” for Example like APDP (Afar people democratic party) full members of EPRDF like OPDO.
    2. Promote “democracy” (relevant to our country condition) at large
    3. I personnel believe that the current problem arises from political discontent or misconception,Thus I recommend to exert more effort to purse its political ideology to nationals and nationalities of the country their by to be owned by the general public at large the ideology of the organization.

  63. This news is, such a concise and short in details, that it is difficult to make an educated evaluation and/or judgement on the subject matter. But still I want to say what I believe is so important to our beloved nation and/or people generally. It is highly important that any thing and every thing the authorities of the ruling party do, and also for that matter, the would be authorities opposition parties should also do, is do it legally, fairly and peacefully as much as posible, for the sake of the integrity, sovereignty harmony and unity of the nation and/or all peace loving people of our country.
    May God bless and protect Ethiopia!

  64. All,

    We understand it is hard to analyze and comment on issues raised within the conference with out a clear and reliable information.But, we can do an informed analysis based on our understanding of events in Ethiopia! For sure you can add your informed commentary about TPLF and Tigrai! Nevertheless, here is what we know so far..!

    TPLF CC has reached a consensus on the need to change. Basically there seems to be an understanding there was leadership vacuum ever since 2005

    Some of the the former leaders who were replaced have complained the process of “metekat” was unfair.

    There is a common understanding that “network” is still a problem. Meaning TPLF is split by network where each leader/s have their own network. In the old days this would have resulted in a serious penalty(Gujele).

    Once the common understanding was reach sometime last week, what followed was discussion/criticism/phase among different groups.

    In the discussion all kind of issues were raised even issue that happened during TPLF struggle days.

    Some of the group discussion as you heard somewhere else have resulted in a heated debate where walk out happened! This was between two high up in the executive session group

    Going forward —
    Once the criticism phase is complete in day or two what will follow is a discussion with the lower cadres and members at large.

    Do not expect major shuffle with the current conference. What you should expect is a final communique that will shine on the new change coming.

    The last word who decides what happen to TPLF going forward is TPLF Congress! It will be held before EPRDF Congress within three months time.

    On Comments—
    What you need to comment is:

    1) Should some of the retired party leaders be allowed to come back or should TPLF continue with the transformation and do a complete replacement of leaders. There is high likely those able leaders of the past who were sideline may return to duty!

    2)Do you think criticism/self criticism has any value in today’s world– who is going to self criticisms knowing the end is not good.

    3)What is the solution to the problem with governance and what should TPLF role be in the federal government?

    4) Some say TPLF weakness is the main reason for current political paralysis in Ethiopia ? Do you agree ?

    Thank you.

    • . Age or the tenure as party member shall not be the sole criteria for electing/ keeping someone in or ejecting from the party leadership. Some members of the old guard were retired unfairly while they were at their prime in the context of ability to lead. The replacement was carried out hastily apparently owing to political expediencey.
      Competence & willingness to serve should be the main criteria. While it is important to allow the the younger generation to take over the leadership rile gradually it is also essential to consider the values of accumulated experience age-ripened wisdom. Look at the members of the UK Parliament & the US Congress. At the moment, the front runner to be the nominee for one of the parties at the next US presidential election will be 78 years old at election time. So, the old guard of TPLF should be allowed to compete for leadership roles as long as they are competent enough.
      Criticism and /or self criticism can be of good value when it is done with a purpose to root out problems and progress on a corrected path. On the contrary, criticism would be gravely counter productive when it is carried out solely to attack other members or just as an advance tool to protect one’s interests. Unfortunately, self evaluation of recent years has been of the latter type where members acted on the basis of network alignment rather than what is good for the people.
      Entire books may not be enough to describe or prescribe the solutions for good governance. In short, unwavering commitment to carrying out what is stipulated in the constitution would be the umbrella solution for the good governance problems .
      The role of TPLF in the central government should be to take a proportionate responsibility as one of the constituents of the ruling coalition; no more, no less. If it takes a leading role, then we would be back to the same premises of ” domiation” as being touted by some. If it lags behind the other parties, it would be considered as weak and results in the party being overstepped culminating in the abuse of ethnic tegaru as evidenced over the past 2 years.
      TPLF weakness as reason of political paralysis in the country? It can be debated hard but it is more likely that those who say yes would be on the right side of history. The country had better leadership clarity under the beguiled, respected but more importantlyfeared leadership of Meles who was the frontman of the TPLF. By the time he died, he had already decimated the who is who of TPLF. There was almost nobody left to be respected or feared. Had it been strong, it could have ” helped” to steer sister parties to the right path.
      TPLF needs to thoroughly evaluate the past, it’s leaders, the organization & the future ruthlessly with view to steer in the right direction . There are multitudes of issues that cannot be entirely covered here. But the prime action should be to to cleanse and revive the party starting from the head which is the stinkiest part.
      Others such as media outlets, groups, individuals etc can help supporting the party when it is on the right track and also criticising it when it divulges. Blind support doesn’t help the party. It needs good friends who clearly portray the reality . Many supporters these days echo only what the party leaders want to hear!! A good friend is like a mirror; it just shows you what is there whether good or bad.
      Aiga can play a good role in this regard. Aiga has done a commendable job in showing the other side side of the politicaldivide in the social media spectrum emanating from the west. At the same time, it has fallen short when it comes to boldly portraying the misdeeds of the TPLF.
      It would only be beneficial to them if you do so. This is not to say that you did not raise thorny issues once in a blue moon. Yes you did. There are some examples. But it falls way short.
      Today’s have your say prelude was not clear and bordered on things you only knew and were half hearted in saying it out. Thus it led respondents to wander around with no aim.
      You deserve credit for coming back with clearer information and a way to redirect the discussions.
      Thank you for creating this opportunity

  65. Indeed the public wants a clear road map. But the public also need to see accountability. Those that are responsible for this mess should be held accountable. Being a Tegadalay does not give you immunity from justice. What we hear from Addis a failure by some to take responsibility for their misdeeds. That won’t go any distance towards solving the current problem.

  66. TPLF should be the only victorious political party In the World that is not only handing over political power that was achieved with immense sacrifices to its ill-wishers and enemies in a silver platter but fast descending the cliff in a suicidal journey. It is really too bad. Please, please, please wakeup TPLF before things get out of control and before it is too late.

  67. The following article was written in Case Western University Journal in 2004 By Matthew J. McCracken a law graduate student. I have realized his insight and contracted the article by giving a new topic as follows.

    The “Republic of Greater Tigrai” is coming into being soon.
    The TPLF dominated EPRDF intentionally included Article 39 in Ethiopia’s 1994 Constitution so that the Tigray region could loot Ethiopia of its resources, use the Ethiopian military to expand the borders of Tigray, and then secede from Ethiopia. Underlying this theory is the widely held opinion that the TPLF and EPRDF are not independent organizations, but symbiotic.

    The TPLF put its intentions in writing in the organization’s manifesto known as the “Republic of Greater Tigrai.”‘ Drafted by TPLF leaders in 1976, the manifesto sets forth an elaborate plan for the liberation of Tigray from Ethiopian rule.’ The plan involves two main steps: 1) re-demarcating Tigray’s borders to expand the region’s borders within Ethiopia, and 2) acquiring coastal lands within Eritrea and seceding as an independent nation.’

    The EPRDF has taken several actions that seem to adhere to the plans set forth in the TPLF manifesto since it took over Ethiopia’s central government in 1991. For example, the TPLF/EPRDF has dramatically developed the Tigray region since they came to power. Before the 1991 Revolution, Tigray was territorially limited and economically underdeveloped. Tigray has successfully annexed fertile lands from the neighboring regions of Wollo and Gondar within Ethiopia.When compared with other Ethiopian provinces, Tigray has experienced disproportionate economic growth and development since 1991.

    Soon after coming to power, the EPRDF established the Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray (or “EFFORT”) with a considerable amount of Ethiopian capital.Through the EFFORT program, the TPLF/EPRDF has diverted large quantities of government resources and international aid to Tigray.As a result, Tigray has experienced radical commercial growth while other regions of Ethiopia have stagnated.

    In addition to EFFORT, several other NGO’s facilitate the economic advantage that Tigray holds over other regions of Ethiopia. These include the Relief Society of Tigray (or “REST”), initially established by the TPLF during the course of the 1991 Revolution, and the Tigray Development Association (or “TDA”), another NGO with a close relationship to the TPLF.These organizations have an increasing involvement in the commercial sector, for example, REST operates a bus service, while the TDA has become, inter alia, the owner of a travel agency based in Addis Ababa.

    The diversion of Ethiopian resources to Tigray is not limited to NGOs.Other expensive projects proceeding in Tigray are not directly traceable to an NGO or the TPLF/EPRDF, but seem suspect given the troubled state of the Ethiopian economy.For example, three colleges have been built in Tigray’s capital city of Makalle: a business school, a medical school, and an engineering school. In addition, luxurious hotels have been constructed in Tigray cities like Axun. Furthermore, multiple high-rise office buildings have been constructed in Tigrayan urban centers. Interestingly, many of these buildings remain empty.Some critics have speculated that the TPLF intends these buildings to be the future centers of Tigrayan business once the region secedes from Ethiopia.

    Ethiopia’s 1994 Constitution also conforms to the 1976 TPLF manifesto by giving Tigray a “legal” means for secession from Ethiopia. One might argue that by granting the right to secede to all “Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples” the TPLF limited its ability to exploit other regions of Ethiopia. After all, if other regions felt they were being exploited by the EPRDF, they would probably secede themselves. However, as this article will make clear, other regions of Ethiopia have tried to secede under Article 39, and the TPLF/EPRDF has used violence and underhanded politics in order to undermine them. In particular, the EPRDF has repeatedly suppressed calls for independence by members of the Oromo tribe and Ethio-Somalis living in the Ogaden.

    The TPLF is abusing the international legal principles of democracy and self determination
    in order to further their illegitimate aims. By declaring itself to be a democracy, Ethiopia has been able to secure financial aid from Western nations including the United States. Along with resources obtained from other regions within Ethiopia, this international aid has been disproportionately diverted to Tigray by the TPLF-dominated central government. Furthermore, the TPLF has used Ethiopian soldiers to fight a war against Eritrea on its behalf in an attempt to expand the borders of Tigray.

    If Tigray secedes, it will leave Ethiopia in chaos. With no central leadership and stripped of its resources, Ethiopia might cease to exist. Ethiopia’s Balkanization would likely create great instability in the Horn of Africa.

  68. This is a typical autocratic communist party symptoms- As son as the dictator dies the organization dies with it.

    You don’t see such pain in democratic institutions, a democratic institutions always survive any internal or external conflicts and can survive for 100s of years.

    Only a secretive communist part experience such terrible ending, the solution is simple – debate in public and let the public be the judge NOT a secretly selected corrupt officials.

    2 milatary must be free from weyanes
    3 sequrity must be free from weyanes
    4parlament must be desolved
    5 election board must be desolve and so on

  70. The root cause of the current political problem is not TPLF rather its within EPRDF specially with its two heavyweight members OPDO and ANDM , why is it only the two regions are becoming a save heaven for anti peace elements how come they failed to grant peace in their respective regions is it because the inability of their security apparatus or is it they simply don’t have the motive to put an end to it???I wes in Bahir-dar to participate in the recent Amahara-Oromo conference while i appreciate the move because it insures lasting peace to the country the statement made by the two heads of state and the participants are offensive and bold they covertly blamed TPLF for their gloomy history which stared hundreds of years ago and Obo lema and Dr abiy are selling them self’s as a God send to save ethiopia while their region is becoming a save heaven for the savage OLF and this cheap political propaganda is against EPRDF principles .EPRDF should expand its collusion from four party to an all inclusive party the afares,Somalis and other remote regions should be included, personal capacity and ideology commitment should be the criteria not number of population this will create check and balance in the party.dear Aiga forem the logo of TPLF does not have AK 47 for the last 27 yrs.
    Eternal glory to our martyrs
    Long live to ETHIOPIA.

  71. What is weakening the Country? This is a very good question. The country has registered remarkable achievements largely due to Meles. However, the country was swamped by rampant corruption and mediocrity!
    Lack of Justice, the silencing of people’s voices too have led to the current malaise.
    Above all after Make a there is no leadership that has vision and clear understanding of the emerging challenges. Due to the impotent leadership the hardly achieved victories have been already eroding. The weak leadership has also led to the emergency of populism and unbridled regional leaders some of them with sinister motive.
    The widening income gap has also created dientanchment. This has been exasperated by poor Macroeconomic Management. Look the Central Bank a clear example of mediocricity. Acer sitting at the helm of the Bank for 20 something years , the Governor has no alternative solution to resolve Macro challenges except devaluing the currency now and there.
    There are array of problems the country is facing now.
    It is high time to face the music straight away. Start a profound reform ( not the funny and cosmotic deep Tehadheso), purge all those corrupt , incapable and impotent leaders . Bring in professional technocrats who are willing to continue the current transformation and growth trajectory! No doubt the masses will lend there support if such measures are taken. It is high time for actions not empty narratives!!!

  72. From what I see and observed from the people of Tigray , it always seems the spirit of the movement is well and alive and ready for CHANGE and ACTION any time . Sometimes it seems everything is on PAUSE and looking for some kind of LEADERS not RULERS to see what was achieved with so much determination and sacrifice and RESTART where we left off RIGHT AWAY .
    Giving credit to what is ACHIEVED in grand scale and so much by the LEADERS , it should also go hand in hand with THE LISTENING TO THE PULSE OF THE PEOPLE so there will not be a DISCONNECT in between .
    Very proud , strong , hardworking , confident and SPIRITUALLY very obedient and LOVING people .
    There is no turning back , NOT NOW OR EVER .

  73. Hi Aigaforum,

    This is not the time for any division within TPLF leadership and finger pointing at each other. It is rather important for the TPLF bring organizational reform within itself. We do not want to see any leadership Vaccum at regional and national levels which could have significant impact on the peace and security of the country. Our enemies are at our door steps. The key here is to embrace democracy and focus on education, youth employment and paving the way for rapid economic growth. Thanks.

  74. It is very foolish to think that this country could continue intact with the absence of a united and strong TPLF. Whatever their differences are, they should put the people’s interest at the forefront and keep on working on it.

  75. What is weakening the country? A good point to start! It is abundatly clear the country was a t peace and tranquality for over a decade. The remarkable growth it has registered has own it a great admire from all over the world. There is no a period in the country’s history amazing economic achievements have been seen.
    Nevertheless, the country is now suffering from rampant corruption, impotent leadership with no vision and insight, weak institution,appalling and corrupt judicial system among others.
    Several people have raised their voices and begged for correction. All their plea has landed on deaf ears. The Leadership instead of tackling the challenges has preferred to play with narratives. Most recently it came up with a cosmetic solution dubbed as ‘Deep Reform” . Unashamedly those who are known for their incompetence and corruption day and night started to preach about Good Governance….justice etc. Here is good to remember Shakespeare….;” The Very mind that has created problem can not bring a solution” That is typically happening in the Country Currently….Look what is going on after the Fake Deep Thehadso…
    The country is currently is suffering from incompetent, impotent, corrupt Leadership which has no clue where to go!!! Thanks to these mediocre leaders now populism is getting upper hand…..
    The question here is TO BE OR NOT TO BE!!! Alas!! Undertake a profound reform….purge all those corrupt and impotent people (this is a country where an impotent Governor sits for more than 20yrs..)…..take unabashed restructuring of both the Party and Government!!

  76. After all, we should not wrongly relate the survival of the country or the people with the health conditions of parties; as parties are not formal organizations to which all government units report. We, as individual citizens (people) entrust our government officials and officers to keep our freedom defended all the time.
    We have a reliable defense institution staffed with professional officers along with their strong army to defend the law of the land (Constitution) from external aggressions, as well as internal hooligans; organized judiciary system to interpret and ensure due justice; modern and dependable security and police systems to ensure the law and order of the country based on the Constitution.
    OK? well, parties are useful in that leadership talents could be nurtured and advanced for future leadership needs in place of exiting seniors. But this task of the party is not irreplaceable nor indispensable. Naivety? let’s learn from others.

  77. I share your idea. TPLF should learn from its former ‘mistake’ like splitting and start from scratch and put everything under question mark. But I don’t mean things should be left as they are. a corrective action should be taken; the image of TPLF and the people of Tigray has been blackmailed and it has reached at its peak. it requires a very critical solution where by TPLF and the people of Tigray will be respected and treated on a fair and humanly manner. No Tigrean shall be stones at a clear sky for being Tigrean and TPLF should react one way or the other to protect the people whom it represent as a minimal requirement. TPLF should work hard in harmonizing its people regardless of the political view and it should respond to the demand of its people. It shouldn’t consider the suffocating atmosphere for Tigrean as an opportunity to appear as the only shelter to safeguard and the only option the people has. Whether we like it or not the veteran Tegadelty are on their way to finish their life so they should handover the program to the younger leader. replacement should be implemented in practice. we don’t need any promise from individuals but form the organization. Try to communicate with your people on what is going on, we shall not be left for biases and hearsays and fabrications…..

  78. After all, we should not wrongly relate the survival of the country or the people with the health conditions of parties; as parties are not formal organizations to which all government units report. We, as individual citizens (people) entrust our government officials and officers to keep our freedom defended all the time.
    We have a reliable defense institution staffed with professional officers along with their strong army to defend the law of the land (Constitution) from external regressions, as well as internal hooligans; organized judiciary system to interpret and ensure due justice; modern and dependable security and police systems to ensure the law and order of the country based on the Constitution.
    OK? well, parties are useful in that leadership talents could be nurtured and advanced for future leadership needs in place of exiting seniors. But this task of the party is not irreplaceable nor indispensable. Naivety? let’s learn from others.

  79. There shouldn’t be any more split in TPLF. But as said from your side if there is any one participating in unethical practices ,they have to be taken to court like any ordinary citizen

  80. Our political leaders have a unique responsibility to serve our people with integrity, honest and Sincerity. Moreover, to look all their differences beyond self- interest, selfish ambition and to live up to their trust and promises.
    They have been entrusted to Honour and remember our beloved selfless martyr who sacrifice their own lives by stepping on anti-personnel mines to create a safe passage to their comrades so that their comrades would fulfil the noble cause.
    They have responsibility to Honour the mother and the father who send their children to fight for the betterment of our people who never come back,
    They have responsibility to Honour our fallen heroes who buried in unknown grave and eaten by scavenging birds and animals
    They have responsibility to Honour and remember the whole family who have sacrificed their possessions and lives for this cause and left no one behind them.
    Over all, whatever their personal opinions may be to remain truthful to themselves and to the pledge they made to their fallen heroes and heroines.

  81. Truly speaking to tell the truth in love and respect this is the message I want to pass unto TPLF leaders. The only way that can help TPLF overcome its challenges be it internal or external is captilizing the need to stand and die to ensure the unity of Ethiopia. All other issues shpuld be adressed and offcourse can be adressed when teh party creates clarity on this only and one issue of sustaining the country.
    Promoting unity of the country will give assurance to deal with all othe problems.

    Be it democracy or right of natioans and nationalities , it will work only when unity is assured. If we are divided to our line ethinicity or “nations”, why did we struggle for demaocracy and rigt of people and should we again die for it? Every thing will go by the wind if we cannot agree on having one country.
    The best way infact key for TPLF to become strong and leading is again if it committes itself to promot and invest much on the unity of the country under the consitituion. Talking all those difference but little on the common tings will take us no where. Just try to talk much about unity and work hard to be champion for unity. Then TPLF will see miracleous both for itself and for the country. That is it !

  82. My mistake, if not on the subject. I had slightly embarrassment. I randomly lost my essay and I urgently want to create a new a single. I can not create with my personal strength, so I wanted to apply for the essay writing service for cash. Discovered a number of web content about this, but I don’t know in the event you can trust these web sites. Has everyone heard of the ???

    I also wanted to ask, did someone encounter such an issue? And what will take place if they uncover out that my paper was bought, and not written by me

  83. Look from different perspectives
    After all, we should not wrongly relate the survival of the country or the people with the health conditions of a party or parties, as some concerned writers tried to forward; as parties are not formal organizations entrusted by their constituencies with the accountabilities of all sorts for party flaws. We, as citizens have a government to entrust with keeping our freedom defended all the time.
    We have a reliable defense institution staffed with professional officers along with a dependable army to defend the law of the land (Constitution) from external aggressions, as well as internal hooligans; organized judiciary system to interpret and maintain the rule of law towards ensuring due justice; modern and dependable security and police systems to ensure the law and order of the country based on the Constitution.
    Alright? Well, parties could be useful, (as, at the same time, are harmful if used as tools to serve specific group or individual interests), in that leadership talents could be nurtured and advanced for future leadership needs in place of exiting seniors. But this task of the party is neither irreplaceable nor indispensable. We can live without parties with enhanced freedom. Naivety? Let’s learn.

  84. Dear Aigaforum,
    Above all many thanks for your concern and giving chance to comment on the drama.
    Right from the the first day of armed struggle, the comrades were in strict discipline though there were criticisms among the “Guerrillas”. When it comes to power mongering everything was at the expense of one another. It is not a surprise to hear disagreements among the central committee for assuring certain groups hegemony like the 2000 splits on others. It is common knowledge in the party saying upper hand has to be in some groups rather on the interest of the people, because they know they are not conflicting on the interest of our people rather on their hegemony on certain groups. Believe that all the conspiracies happened to many will happen to everyone in the party, including the veterans. It is only time matters. Mark “ሕንፍሽፍሽ 1967, 1969”, “ደውታ 1977”, “ጋሓፍ ፅረጉለይ, 1985” “ኣንጃ, 1993” “ብስም ኪራይ ኣከብቲ ድሕሮ ዘይብሎም ምውቃዕ”. All this happened for their internal power conflict rather for the interest of the people; because the interest of our people is always unity and development not firing many experienced comrades from the party. It is now same drama happening in the party. Until the people of Tigray takeover the power, they will continue to do the same for the interest of small group.

  85. TPLF has nothing to loose if it transform itself to democratic institution that could be able to live in peace with the realities of the new Ethiopia.We need new face and new ideas.It looks like vegetating in old ideas and old guards.

  86. Where has those who once were eager to comment gone? This is not the usual pattern. But it tells something that about the very problem Aiga wanted ppl to comment on.

  87. If they don’t agree in their differences the people of Tigray should removed them and replace by others who have open minded people

  88. surprising!!! No one is daring to respond to your request. which is a testimony that the tigrai public is loosing its confidence on TPLF.

  89. AIGA – Why are you intimidated by the following message? I posted it yesterday and you chose not to post it. Have some confidence.
    The late PM Meles decimated collective leadership and made all decisions by himself. Members of the central committee of the TPLF were hand picked by Meles their loyalty to him rather than their merit. In the name of “passing the torch to new generation”, he purged the most capable leaders of the TPLF and replaced them by yes-men. After his death, the TPLF leadership was in disarray because the instruments for collective leadership were all destroyed by Meles.
    Bygones are bygones. Now the TPLF leadership should look forward. They must revise TPLF program to ensure that it addresses the concerns and priorities of the current generation. They must re-institute collective leadership and bring young leaders based on merit. If Azeb has walked out of the meeting, I hope she never returns back. This is not the first time she walked out of an important meeting, but the TPLF leadership didn’t have the spine to rein her arrogance. I hope TPLF truly reforms this time and bring back its glory which was decimated by Meles and Azeb.

  90. Dear Aigaforum,

    Thank you for providing this opportunity to express our concern.

    We need to face the truth to admit a deeply ‘narrowist’ entity within EPRF has finally finally found the opportunity to rise within the party apparatus.

    I did put ‘narrowist’ in quotation for a reason. That’s because I don’t believe they are ethno-centric per se. Rather I find the current OPDO leadership to be more of a rent-seeking agent organized along ethnic lines.

    I would like to ask the following hypothetical question as a premise to help move forward with the current inconvenience:

    Why is it the current oromo politcal entities is focused on Addis Abeba ‘special interest’ as primary issue concerning Oromo region?

    The spatial ratio of Addis (and its surrounding) vis-a-vis Oromo region is less than 1%. Despite the city dwellers being non-oromos, ‘Finefine’ represents a burnig issue to our current Oromo groups.
    I need not remind any reader here the size and natural resource endowement of Oromo region. I suspect there are many towns to develop within Oromo region, other than Addis where the dwellers are of Oromo origin. Yet these palces are rarely discussed.

    There can only be one answer for an outsized keen interest on Addis by our ‘finest’ Oromo leaders and that’s rent-seeking.
    Unlike most cities, residents in Addis are considered very affluent. Real-Estate in Addis costs thousands (perhaps million times) more than other towns in Oromo region. So taxing rich city dwellers should be, without a doubt, the wettest dream aspiring rent-sinker can have.

    Why go around door-to-door chasing pennies in poor small towns, when you can shake down millionaires and businesses in one big city? Besides, Addis dwellers do not vote in Oromo legislative houses. Who cares if they cry they are being overtaxed, right?

    The solution I suppose…

    To our most esteemed and beloved leadership of our Federal Republic of Ethiopia and EPRDF,

    The barbarians are at the gate… bolder than ever to loot the city of Addis.

    Rule of law works during peacetime… We can’t say there is peace in a city that is undersiege.

    What options do we have other than breaking the siege? Surely, we can’t hope for the pirates to pack-up and leave, do we?

    Your unrepenting supporter,

  91. ይሄ መልእክት ወይም የክርክር ዓምድ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ነው ወይስ ለውጭ ዓለም ለነጮቹ? ለምንድነው ዓምዱ በእንግሊዝ ቋንቋ የሆነው? መልሶች፡ አስተያየቶች፡ ክርክሮቹ፡ ደግሞ በእንግሊዝ ቋንቋ፡ ለምን???? ለምን በአማርኛ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ አይሆንም???? ቋንቋችን አሟጠን መጠቀም አለብን። እንግሊዝ እኮ ልክ እንደ አማርኛ፡ ትግርኛ፡ ኦሮምኛ፡ ቋንቋ ነው እንጂ፡ የትምህርት፡ የስልጣን፡ የስልጣኔ፡ የዘመናዊነት መግለጫ ና መለኪያ አይደለም።

  92. የኢህአደግ/ህወሐት ባለስልጣናት ሲሰበሰቡ ፡ በአገር እና ህዝብ ጉዳይ ከማቶከር ይልቅ አብዛኛው ጊዜውን የሚያባክኑት: በከፍተኛ “የእንግሊዝ ቃላቶች ውድድር እና የአመራረጥ” ነው:: እንደ አዲስ ተማሪ፡ ስብሰባው “የእንግሊዝ ቃላቶች የውድድር መድረክ” ነው የሚሆነው የሚመስለ። ምንድነው ጥርት ባለ በቋንቋችን የማይወያዩና የማስረዱን????? ቋንቋችን አሟጠን መጠቀም አለብን። እንግሊዝ እኮ ልክ እንደ አማርኛ፡ ትግርኛ፡ ኦሮምኛ፡ ቋንቋ ነው እንጂ፡ የትምህርት፡ የስልጣን፡ የስልጣኔ፡ የዘመናዊነት መግለጫ ና መለኪያ አይደለም። 85% ህዝባችን በእርሻ ነው የሚተዳደረው በገጠር ነው የሚኖረው ይላሉ ግን መልእክቱን የሚያስተላሉፉት በእንግሊዝ ቋንቋ የተደባላለቀ፤ የተጨማለቀ!!!!

  93. የኢህአደግ/ህወሐት ባለስልጣናት ሲሰበሰቡ ፡ በአገር እና ህዝብ ጉዳይ ከማቶከር ይልቅ አብዛኛው ጊዜውን የሚያባክኑት: በከፍተኛ “የእንግሊዝ ቃላቶች ውድድር እና የአመራረጥ” ነው:: እንደ አዲስ ተማሪ፡ ስብሰባው “የእንግሊዝ ቃላቶች የውድድር መድረክ” ነው የሚሆነው የሚመስለ። ምንድነው ጥርት ባለ በቋንቋችን የማይወያዩና የማስረዱን????? ቋንቋችን አሟጠን መጠቀም አለብን። እንግሊዝ እኮ ልክ እንደ አማርኛ፡ ትግርኛ፡ ኦሮምኛ፡ ቋንቋ ነው እንጂ፡ የትምህርት፡ የስልጣን፡ የስልጣኔ፡ የዘመናዊነት መግለጫ ና መለኪያ አይደለም። 85% ህዝባችን በእርሻ ነው የሚተዳደረው በገጠር ነው የሚኖረው ይላሉ ግን መልእክቱን የሚያስተላሉፉት በእንግሊዝ ቋንቋ የተደባላለቀ፤ የተጨማለቀ!!!!

    • They will never understand you. It is actually shows they are not competent. That is the reason they do that. It is illegal to mix foreign language with local and I do not know who is their audience. I hate EPRDF.

  94. The TPLF/EPRDF has degenerated. It has become representative of a comprador class. The stench of corruption within TPLF/EPRDF is impacting the whole nation. The progressive aspect of TPLF is lost and inner party struggle is based on nepotism. Now the state vs the people and the people will win because history is on their side.

  95. The fact that I love to read Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian … I was eager to give a comment about the specific question raised by Aiga; but when I read the comments already given, it makes me to write the following for the most of the “writers” and not to participate with most of the above “commentators”

    “Small minds discuss about people (persons), medium minds discuss about events, and great minds discuss about idea …”

    Unfortunately, we, Ethiopians, do not see ideas discussed in most of Ethiopian diaspora politics; I do not see ideas discussed above, despite the admin. was eager to see.
    I quit participating from the above “writes”
    Thank You!

    • Dear Miruts,

      I think you should read all comments one by one and then maybe you will understand that there are many good ideas EPRDF can take a lesson.

      If you can’t see in all these comments some good idea, then you must be a die-hard Meles/TPLF/EPRDF worshiper who can’t see the reality.

      Then, I am happy you decided not to write a comment, becaue, I saved some time reading other good comments below you.

      Tariku Tezera

  96. If you want to know what TPLF plans and execute ,and who said what when and where,and other breaking news, just find a seat at one of the WHISKY BETOCH, around Bole Medhanalem,, Main Bole, Chechenya.
    But you must speak Tigringa.And you will know the guy who is beng groomed to replace the PM.

  97. . Age or the tenure as party member shall not be the sole criteria for electing/ keeping someone in or ejecting from the party leadership. Some members of the old guard were retired unfairly while they were at their prime in the context of ability to lead. The replacement was carried out hastily apparently owing to political expediencey.
    Competence & willingness to serve should be the main criteria. While it is important to allow the the younger generation to take over the leadership rile gradually it is also essential to consider the values of accumulated experience age-ripened wisdom. Look at the members of the UK Parliament & the US Congress. At the moment, the front runner to be the nominee for one of the parties at the next US presidential election will be 78 years old at election time. So, the old guard of TPLF should be allowed to compete for leadership roles as long as they are competent enough.
    Criticism and /or self criticism can be of good value when it is done with a purpose to root out problems and progress on a corrected path. On the contrary, criticism would be gravely counter productive when it is carried out solely to attack other members or just as an advance tool to protect one’s interests. Unfortunately, self evaluation of recent years has been of the latter type where members acted on the basis of network alignment rather than what is good for the people.
    Entire books may not be enough to describe or prescribe the solutions for good governance. In short, unwavering commitment to carrying out what is stipulated in the constitution would be the umbrella solution for the good governance problems .
    The role of TPLF in the central government should be to take a proportionate responsibility as one of the constituents of the ruling coalition; no more, no less. If it takes a leading role, then we would be back to the same premises of ” domiation” as being touted by some. If it lags behind the other parties, it would be considered as weak and results in the party being overstepped culminating in the abuse of ethnic tegaru as evidenced over the past 2 years.
    TPLF weakness as reason of political paralysis in the country? It can be debated hard but it is more likely that those who say yes would be on the right side of history. The country had better leadership clarity under the beguiled, respected but more importantlyfeared leadership of Meles who was the frontman of the TPLF. By the time he died, he had already decimated the who is who of TPLF. There was almost nobody left to be respected or feared. Had it been strong, it could have ” helped” to steer sister parties to the right path.
    TPLF needs to thoroughly evaluate the past, it’s leaders, the organization & the future ruthlessly with view to steer in the right direction . There are multitudes of issues that cannot be entirely covered here. But the prime action should be to to cleanse and revive the party starting from the head which is the stinkiest part.
    Others such as media outlets, groups, individuals etc can help supporting the party when it is on the right track and also criticising it when it divulges. Blind support doesn’t help the party. It needs good friends who clearly portray the reality . Many supporters these days echo only what the party leaders want to hear!! A good friend is like a mirror; it just shows you what is there whether good or bad.
    Aiga can play a good role in this regard. Aiga has done a commendable job in showing the other side side of the politicaldivide in the social media spectrum emanating from the west. At the same time, it has fallen short when it comes to boldly portraying the misdeeds of the TPLF.
    It would only be beneficial to them if you do so. This is not to say that you did not raise thorny issues once in a blue moon. Yes you did. There are some examples. But it falls way short.
    Today’s have your say prelude was not clear and bordered on things you only knew and were half hearted in saying it out. Thus it led respondents to wander around with no aim.
    You deserve credit for coming back with clearer information and a way to redirect the discussions.
    Thank you for creating this opportunity

  98. Dear Aiga

    a year ago you were posted similar issues. hope you got so many reflection. let start from the then your media followers openion …………………………
    1. did you consolidate and share the public opinion to concerned body/leaders for consideration and mitigation on the root cause of the problem.
    2.if so, do you see any real and Passions change/action from side of TPLF leadership
    3. did you find new reflection on this session from the previous (except contextualizing and aligning manifestation of the problem with the current situation and deepening dynamics of the problem)
    4. what do you say? do you imagine talking such agenda again and again is not becoming a hesitating topic.

    Finally, if TPLF has firmed interest to participate all member of the society in and outside the region with out discrimination for different reasons, hope the capability will come again to restore things as usual.

    Regards and thank you

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