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In Support of TPLF and Its Leaders and Against Dr.Aregawi Berhe,Lilay Hailemariam

In Support of TPLF and Its Leaders and Against Dr.Aregawi Berhe,Lilay Hailemariam



Gebre Selama 08-26-20


I have to admit I have opposed TPLF for the past 30 years.  But my opposition was never based on hate.  I always based my critics on reason.  But I have experienced many violent reactions from Tigreans and Eritreans alike.  Reason, I believed since in 1991 that Woyane and Shabia did not have vision that benefits Tegarus. I was right. Time has proved me perfect.  I have bashed them for 30 years. However, the current situation in Ethiopia has impacted me too.I am now sympathetic for TPLF leaders.  They have done more than their share in the face many attacks from all corners including neoliberals.  They cleaned Ethoipia’s mess of 150 years in 27 years. Ethiopia did not make even toilet paper until 1991.  I remember in 1988, I myself stealing toilet paper from Shebelle hotel because toilet paper was something worthy stealing. I now sometimes laugh about it.  With my friends, we were taking turns to steal toilet paper from the toilet.  On top of that I remember standing for 12 hours on queue to buy bread and I remember returning to my home without bread. Not only that the money I had in my pocket was stolen by professional thieves called Watie.  I grew up in Addis some part of my life and all I know is theft only and discrimination.  People may think attack on Tigreeans started in the past two years.  But it was like that as far as I know.  I studied in Addis, high school.  During the Hulu Neger wede tor ginbar I was grade 9th.   Our Unit leader gathered us in the high school hall to support hulu wede tor ginbar.  The unit leader asked all the students to look at the face of Tigrignea speakers if we looked like Arabs because they were saying Shabia and Woyanes claimed they were Arabs.  The students, our friends looked at us and I was scared myself.  The next day, all the young Tigerans Eritrean left the school and went to join Woyane and Shabia.  The other thing, in Addis Ababa University Tigreans speakers were not allowed to walk in groups even.  My friend and I myself were accused of Shabian members because we wore news shoes. They accused us that the shoes and clothing was given to us by Shabia.  I am telling you real stories.  Later, when University students were forced to join Bilaten training center to fight Woyanes and Shabia, Tigeans and Eritreans were discriminated in the training camps because they did not trust Tigrignea speakers.  General Aman Andom was killed because he was Tigrignea speaker and could not be trusted. General Saere was ridden with bullets for speaking Tigrignea because he can not be trusted even he declared he has no ethnic or tribe.  I am saying this as background the bias, prejudice; hate against Tegarus did not start now. It has been always there.

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Despite all the pasts, TPLF was wide open and embraced Ethopia and it abandoned Tigrai and Tigreans and it was developing Ethiopia centered in Addis which was wrong. But TPLF has done its share in 27 years by cleaning the 150 years darkness and backwardness that kept Ethiopia hostage of poverty.  TPLF has built 45 universities in 27 years vs 1 university in 150 years. TPLF has built about 300 hospitals vs 1 in 150 years old. TPLF has connected Ethiopia by road in 27 years vs none in 150 years.  TPLF has covered Ethiopia with high school, primary school almost 90% coverage vs none in 150 years.  TPLF has covered Ethiopia with primary healthy care 90% vs none in 150 years. The life span of Ethiopians increased to 65 in 27 years vs 45v in 150 years. TPLF has built many Hydro dams and including GERD vs none in 150 years. TPLF has introduced industrialization in Ethiopia in 27 years vs none in 150 years. Telecom coverage 65 % in 27 years vs none in 150 years. TPFL has introduced multi party system short of quality.  TPLF had made Ethiopia the fast growing country economy in the world with almost 90 billion GDP vs 0 GDP in 150 years.  I can not list all the good things.  TPLF  did all these all alone  in the face of  all odds including paying  free salary for  Gedu, Abiy, Demeke, Lemma, Negujise, PM HD and others who were underground sabotaging the development by conspiring against their country with USA, Egypt and Arab countries.   On top of that TPLF kept Ethiopia safe for 27 years. Addis was safer than Paris, London, New York, etc.


Rome was never built in 27 years.  TPLF has done the Hercules job for Ethiopia, but not for Tigrai.  I am not saying TPLF was perfect.  No one is ever perfect.  But considering now all the sabotages now exposed by their own mouths, TPLF was roses among thorns. Eventually the thorns took over and destroyed the flowers.  TPLF did not sell any national sovereign interest to anyone.  One of the reason TPLF was hated by USA is TPLF denied Americans access to crouch into Ethiopians assets such bank, telecom and TPLF refused  to USA when USA asked Meles Zenawi  to stop  doing business with China. Then USA poisoned Meles Zenawi with radio active isotope in fake Agricultural panel prepared by USA to feed Meles Zenawi an isotope food bullet which killed him after a month with his other African leaders who attended the same fake meeting.


Thus Tigreans musts not listen to the losers Dr.Aregawi Berhe, Lilay Hailemariam, Yemane and their likes.  All Tegarus must rally behind TPLF at this time and work together for brighter future.  No need to dwell in the wrongs of the past.  They really believed in Ethiopia and tried to lift up even at the expense of Tigreans.  They even believed in win-win with Egypt and they have been real Universalist which does not work in this world.  In this world it is winners take it all.  There is no win-win.  It is winners take it all.  It has been like that always.   TPLF repeated the mistake of Emperor Yohaness.  But from now on wards we have to wise up.  We can not keep on recycling the same mistake over and over and expect different result.


What we need now is one. Restoring and rebuilding our modern Axumite with all its ancient land mark, sea mark, culture, language, technology and civilization restored.  This must be our guiding vision and mission. Restoring and rebuilding Axumite will not only help Tegarus but also all Ethiopians and Africans. Africa needs to technology.  If we restore our technology and the whole Africa is our market. This does not hate Ethiopia.  This is solving problem sustainably and durably for lasting peace and prospertiy.  This will end the war in Ethiopia until Jesus comes again.  No more fighting in the name of Ethiopia to hold hostage nations in darkness.  No need for Ethiopia, federalism, con-federalism.  All Tigreans must work together now, but must never allow corruption, nepotism that kills the future.


End Note; Getachew Assefa deserves novel prize from Tigreans for keepING  Ethiopia safe for  27 years and for saving the life of President Barak Obama rom Alshebab.

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