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Out of Darkness to a Bright Future of Glory:Birthday of a Modern Nation State of Tigrai

Out of Darkness to a Bright Future of Glory:

Birthday of a Modern Nation State of Tigrai


Mogos Abraham, PhD

Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Canada

15 Sept. 2020


Nelson Mandela ondemocracy, “It is not our diversity which divides us; it is not our ethnicity, or religion or culture that divides us. Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not”.

Amartya Sen onfreedom and development, “Development is the process of expanding human freedom. It is the enhancement of freedoms that enables people to lead lives that they cherish..…development requires the removal of all sources of poverty. Freedom is both the primary end and the principal means of development”.

      Congratulations, Momma Tigrai! By scoring multiple victories against all your enemies, your children are building your bright future, a future of democracy for the 21st Century, peace, and prosperity. You are being groomed as a Nation State of Tigrai. Let your friends and foes, those near and afar, understand this historic fact. Particularly the present-coward Amhara elite goons must swallow the bitter pill of absolute jealousy and hatred.They will not be able to rob your land, cultural identity, and history to reign on your children as their predecessors did.

Allow me to highlight the eras of your darkness chronologically:

[1] Background: Frequent wars fought against external invaders in your soil are the major historical events that perpetuated the chronic poverty you are being subjected to…“some twenty major battles were fought in Tigrayan soil between the Battle of Adwa and the Italian invasion of 1935[1] (emphasis added). Tigraian men and women, the peasantry, had to bear the brutalities of the wars. In addition to their bravery in fighting the foreign enemies, the poor Tigraian households provided food, water, and shelter to the peasant armies from many corners of Ethiopia, because Ethiopia did not have salaried-national army until 1941. The rules of war during those years let “….soldiers to feed themselves at the expense of the peasants on whose lands they traversed. Indeed, pillaging (plundering, robbing) from the peasants and collecting war booty were the soldiers’ chief incentives for joining the army (emphasis added).[2]  Moreover, the Tigraian men and women provided topographic information, transportation logistics, and crucial intelligence about the frontlines.

      The reckless-coward Amhara elite goons hate to appreciate all the sacrifices and victories of your children, the heroes and heroines, to protect Ethiopia’s independence and territorial integrity. Abiy Ahmed Ali, the street crook, is one the dangerous thugs, who attempted to undermine (devalue) the miraculous military, economic, and political achievements of TPLF/EPRDF. The far reaching achievements of Tigraian leadership skills benefited all Ethiopians over the 27-Golden Years during which Ethiopia was described as Africa’s economic tiger. How about now?Abiy Ahmed Ali, the Muslim-Protestant Preacher, has succeeded in destroying Ethiopia’s socioeconomic and political fabric to please his political handlers.

[2] The Selfless Patriotism of the King of Kings Emperor Yohannes IV: Against Minilik’s machinations of deception, treachery, and betrayal, the King of Kings, Emperor Yohannes IV, demonstrated his patriotism, leadership skills, and military prowess against all Ethiopia’s enemies.His trusted and famous general, Alula Aba-Nega, was instrumental for all the victories. Alula’s army routed well-equipped Egyptians, led by European and American mercenaries, at the following battlefields: (a) in 1875 at Gundet; (b) in 1876 at Guraé; (c) in 1880 at Senhit; and (d) in 1887 at Aylet. Again, on January 26, 1887, Ras Alula’s military scored a decisive victory at Dogali,where Italian invaders were annihilated. The Italians decried their humiliating defeat at Dogali as “The Dogali Massacre”[3]. Note that all these battlefields are part of today’s Nation State of Eritrea, sold to Colonialist Italy by Minilik of Shewa.

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        The King of Kingsdied on Mar. 12, 1889 at Metema, in today’s Amhara Regional State, while defending his beloved country, Ethiopia, against the Mahdists of Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed of Sudan. By sacrificing his life, Emperor Yohannes IV instilled an enduring pride and heroism in all Ethiopians.It is reported that the Emperor was struck from behind on his neck by a bullet fired from an area where an Ethiopian army was serving as “a rear guard force”. In any case, theEmperorwas assassinated,while leading and ordering his army to move forward to the enemy’s frontline. By who and why was the Emperor assassinated? What secret deal did Minilik of Shewa made with the Italian Colonialists that motivated him to assassinate the Emperor? This and similar research questions are assignments for the young Tigraian generation to uncover and record the truth in Tigrai’s history books. The cruelty, treachery, and cowardice of the Amhara elites, including the current ultimate betrayals of Abiy Ahmed Ali, must be told and recorded.

[3]The Ultimate Betrayal of Minilik of Shewa: While Emperor Yohannes was fighting all of the above highlighted wars; Minilik was making secret deals with the Italian Colonial Government and other enemies of Ethiopia to sabotage Emperor Yohannes’ efforts. Shortly after they were subjected to a humiliating defeat in 1887 at Dogali in the hands of Alula Aba-Nega, the Italians agreed in a secret treaty to supply Minilik with 5,000 Remington rifles and money; and to recognize him as a sovereign power in return for his promise to assist Italy’s colonial expansion to the northern Ethiopian frontier, the Bahire-Negash. Between 1885 and 1895, a total of 189,000 weapons were imported into Showa. Very quickly, just within two months after the death of Emperor Yohannes IV, Minilik claimed the Ethiopian Imperial Throne; and he recognized the Italians’ sovereignty over the Ethiopian northern frontier, which they (the purchasers) named Eritrea, right after the Treaty of Wuchalewas signed on May 2, 1889. This was the root cause of the Eritrean struggle for an independent statehood. Our Eritrean brothers and sisters succeededin achieving their freedom after a protracted bitter struggle deservedly.

[4] Haile-Selassie and the First Woyane Patriots:  Emperor Haile-Selassie, King of Kings, the Lion of Judah, from the Tribe of Judah, the Solomonic Dynasty (it is not funny, it was his rubbish official title), ruled Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974, with an iron fist of vengeance, most of it directed at the Oromo and Tigraian peoples. Absolute political power was vested in him. Because the 1931 Constitution was deemed not giving enough power to him, a new constitution was enshrined in 1955[4]. This constitution declared Haile-Selassie as a descendant of King Solomon of Israel and Ethiopia’s Queen of Sheba of Tigrai, although he was a Harari (I think?). His absolute monarchical-feudalistic power was exercised through appointment of trusted officials (Enderasyewoch, an Amharic to mean like myself); control of the armed forces and foreign affairs; and oversight of the judiciary. Parliament was given power to approve treaties, but the Emperor had the final say: he was empowered to dissolve the Parliament. Do you see similarity with the current behaviour of Abiy Ahmed Ali? Sure!

        Haile-Selassie used various policy instruments of intimidation, humiliation, assassination, and assimilation against Tigrai and Oromia. Some of his policy instruments included: (i) heavy taxes imposed on the peasantry to be paid in cash; (ii) declaring Tigrigna, Oromigna, and other languagesof nations and nationalities illegal for any formal communications (e.g., legal-justice processes, education, health, local citizen contractual agreements, birth and marriage certificates, and other cultural services); (iii) imposing strict rules and regulations to ensure Amharic was the only language of communication; and (iv) kidnapping, assassinating, and arresting key Ethiopian patriots who questioned his absolute power. This systemic oppression led to birth of a well-coordinated force of the First WoyaneTigrai. In January 1942, at the battlefield of Quobo, three British officers and hundreds of Haile-Selassie’s soldiers, trying to collect forced tax in cash, were killed. It took Haile-Selassie and his British advisors 30,000 Shewan soldiers, from April to July 1942, to regain the upper hand over the First WoyanePatriots. The whole region of Raya, Azebo, and Wejerat was devastated; and severe fines, in both livestock and money, were imposed to impoverish and to force the Patriots and the peasantry into submission.

        However, Haile-Selassie’s punitive measures did not kill the fighting spirit of the Patriots as well as the oppressed Tigraianmasses. The rebellion got stronger than ever before. Blata Haile-Mariam Reda, who was a gifted inspiring leader, used the rainy season of 1943 to organize his forces. After celebrating the Ethiopian New Year on September 12, 1943, the Patriots went on the offensive. They moved victoriously to the strategic locations of Quiha and Enda Yesus, overlooking Mekelle, which was quickly captured. Haile-Selassie’s officials fled. Blata Haile-Mariam declared victory at Mekelle with the following motto:

“Our governor is Jesus Christ

And our flag that of Ethiopia

Our religion is that of Yohannes IV

People of Tigray, follow the motto of Woyane”[5] (emphasis added).

        After the humiliating defeats of his army, Haile-Selassie requested and received help from the Royal British Air Force to mercilessly bomb a marketplace at Mekelle during a market day in October 1943. This collaborative brutality, using a foreign air force, was crime against humanity. It was beyond the capacity of the Patriots. The immeasurablehuman, animal, and material losses of that crime remain unknown, very hard to estimate. A memorial monument for that massacre is an overdue recognition of one of the many dark days of Tigrai. It requires an immediate attention of all concerned. I trust the new Government of Tigrai will consider all historical events and locationsto be immortalized for next generations to learn from them on the justifications for declaring an independent Nation State of Tigrai.

[5] The Marxist-Leninist military junta of MengistuHailemariam versus the shinning victories of the Second Woyane, the TPLF: In an attempt to force Tigrai into submission, Mengistu Haile-Mariam’s military junta committed horrifying terror on Tigrai over the 17-year period of armed struggle against its rule of terror (1974-1991). The most savage act it committed against humanity was at the market town of Howzien on June 22, 1988. “The Ethiopian air force bombarded the town for the whole day by airplanes and helicopters; and killed more than 2,500 civilians”[6]. Moreover, the regime’s counterinsurgency and social control policies imposed on Tigrai turned the drought of 1984/85 into a tragic famine, starvation, and hunger. The final outcome, however, as it is well known worldwide, was the shinning victory of the TPLF/EPRDF on the historic day of 28 May 1991. This miraculous victory was achieved against an enemy, which was armed to the teeth, described as black Africa’s sophisticated-strongest army. Well, it did not possess the guts and military techniques to match to the prowess of the TPLF’s military science, which was crafted by MelesZenawi and his comrades.

[6] Puppetry and national treason of Abiy Ahmed Ali: A puppet is a personunder the control of an external-political power. Puppetry, therefore, is being a tool to serve external powers. Coached by external powers, political puppets are extreme opportunists, who emerge in times of national crises. Political puppets know very well the cultural norms and values of the masses; possess an insider-information on strictly protected secrets on national defence, political structure, and functions(e.g., of the EPRDF); and are shrewd manipulators, capable of delivering oratorical speeches of hate that dehumanize other citizens, who stand on their way to political power. Puppets are more than willing to be hired as double agents to work for external powers for dollars and fame; and are always willing to sale their own motherland. These personal traits describe AbiyAhmed Ali very clearly.He being a Muslim-Protestant Christian Preacher should tell us a lot about the oxymoronic personal traits of this crook-goon.

The genocidal-mob lynching of Tigraians in the Amhara Regional State:Abiy Ahmed Ali’s national treason is so serious. Capital punishment, legally authorized hanging publicly, is justified for such national treason. As an intelligence officer of the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service, Abiy Ahmed Ali gave crucial Ethiopia’s national security information to all enemies of Ethiopia, including Isaias Aferworki, Ethiopia’s enemy number one; the Egyptians; the terrorist group called Gunbot-7; and many Arab nations that dream to forge anIslamic Republic of Ethiopia. Abiy Ahmed Ali has made Ethiopia highly vulnerable to various covert-hostileactivities of her enemies.

As an insider-intelligence officer, Abiy Ahmed Ali coordinated a team of traitors called Team Lema, comprisinghimself (Abiy Ahmed), LemaMegersa, Gedu Andargachew, DemekeMekonnen, and KasaTeklembirhan , the then Minister of Federation, who was mandated to ensure wellbeing of all citizens. This team conspired and designed a strategy in collaboration with Isaias Afwworki, Gunbot-7 of BirhanuNega, and many other traitors. Their strategy was to destroytheheroic-fighting spirit ofTigraiansby killing innocent civilians as many as possible. To that end, an underground network was built and a flash-mob of hooliganswas paid thousands of dollars to unleashgenocidal rampages against Tigraians in Bahir-Dar and Gondar during the months of July and August 2016. For the mere fact that they were Tigraians, they were mobbed and massacred; their properties were ransacked and torched; and more than 11,000 of them, including mothers and fathers as well as their children, were forced to escape to neighboring Sudan, under the watchful eyes of Gedu and Demeke, who were leaders of the Amhara Regional State.

In addition, Abiy Ahmed Ali planned and implemented assassination of the Head of the Ethiopian Armed Forces, GeneralSeareMekonnen and his best friend, Brigadier General GezaéAbera; and ordered mass arrest of Tigraian military officers and civilians. All these genocidal acts of cowardice were intended to force Tigrai into submission. The traitors failed miserably; and to ourpleasant surprise the so called Team Lema has destroyed itself forever, demonstrating ineptness of the traitor group. By contrast, Tigrai is now stronger than ever before. Thegenocidal acts of cowardice and cruelty the traitors committed will be recorded in history books of the modern Nation State of Tigrai.

***Watch very carefully the current terror being conducted against all Tigraiansin Addis Ababa. We are now in another historic social, economic, and political threshold, after the successful democratic elections. You all Tigraianbrothers and sisters, get out from Addis Ababa, now!***

[7] The current predicaments of Ethiopia: Ethiopia is witnessing tragedies of national betrayal far worse than those of the eras of Emperor Haile Selassie and that of MengistuHailemriam’s military junta. Patriotism, the love and emotion for the Motherland, and the spirit to stand and face all odds to liberate own motherland,has been eroded under the leadership of the Muslim-Protestant Preacher and an absolute liar and double talker, Abiy Ahmed Ali, a brand new puppet of the West and the Arabs. This person, an absolute egocentric with no sense of strategic directions to govern a country of multiple nations, nationalities, and peoples, is destroying Ethiopia.Ethiopians have lost their hope, pride, identity, and civility. Out of hopelessness, citizens are slaughtering one another like wild animals. More than five million Ethiopians remain internally displaced, making Ethiopia the world’s number one in this particular human misery. Now, Ethiopia has met all the characteristics of a failed state. Every corner of the country, except Tigrai, is under Military Command Post; soldiers are authorized to kill any disobedient citizen. In its recorded history, Ethiopia has never seen this type of tragic-political failure.

How did Abiy Ahmed reach the position where he is now? A brief on the complex international conspiracy is warranted. It all started when Prime Minister MelesZenawi (PMMZ), the Great Leader, an architect of the Ethiopian Federalism and the principles of Democratic Developmental State, refused to submit to the pressure of the so called Washington Consensus, primarily the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). WB and IMF wanted to impose neoliberalism, which advocates for a perfectly competitive free market economy that can be dominated by American and European multinational corporations, exactly as they do in many other poor nations to perpetuate chronic poverty, which subjects them (the poor nations) to remain perpetually dependent on the West. PMMZ was too smart to handle for the West. Not only that he was the Great Leader Ethiopia had ever had, PMMZ was a well-respected spokesperson for the African continent at global forums on genuine sustainable development. He was a true internationalist, who advocated eradication of global poverty through collective actions of all nations, poor and rich.

When WB, IMF, and the governments of the West refused to give financial assistance to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), PMMZ declared his trust in the deeply rooted nationalism of all Ethiopians. During the ceremony of laying the Cornerstone for the GERD, PMMZ declared:  the natural endowments ours; the human ingenuity ours; the labour power ours; and the financial sources ours, the GERD will be a bequest with our signatures for many Ethiopian generations to follow (paraphrased and translated Amharic speech). The unanimous support he received from every Ethiopian citizen was very inspiring. GERD was started and reached the stage of more than 75% of the total work to completion before the passing of PMMZ and Engineer Simegnow.

At what stage is the GERD now? I really do not know. I only know that during his political power honeymoon visit to Cairo, Abiy Ahmed Ali promised the Egyptians shamelessly to either slow or “kill” the GERD by swearing in Arabicin front of the international media. He swore to meet all Qur’anic Rules (strict Islamic Rules), repeatedly guided by the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, to “kill”, or “delay” the GERD’s work indefinitely or meet all conditions the Egyptians want. The video of this historicnational treason is posted everywhere in the social media.

Where is Ethiopia heading? As a double agent, Abiy Ahmed Ali is working hard to demean and dehumanize the shinning victories of TPLF,using sheer lies and cheap insultsthat can only be expected from a dirty-mouth-poor-crook street boy.Ethiopia is in an absolute darkness.Particularly, the Regional State of Oromya, Abiy Ahmed’s constituency, has become land of genocide where humans are slaughtered like animalsby day and night. All other regional states, except Tigrai, are messed up. Their economic, social, and political fabrics have collapsed. All indicators show likelihood of a tragic social upheavalthat might lead to bloodshed. Tigrai does not want to be part of this looming tragedy. Enough is enough!

Out of Darkness to a Bright Future of Glory

      Momma Tigrai, you are out of darkness to regain your original glory of being one of the world’s cradles of civilization.As a determined nation state, your bright destiny is in your hands. The historic elections of September 09, 2020have reaffirmed your glorious destiny to be realized by your children at any cost. The eras of darkness will be only in history books. Your sons and daughters have reconstructed the pathways to sovereignty, democracy, peace, and prosperity. We all will work hard for an inclusive, just, and sustainable development for your present and future generations. Our martyrs,who perished in battlefields for your freedom,will be immortalized.

Eternal glory for our martyrs!

[1]Young, John. 1997. Peasant revolution in Ethiopia:  the Tigray People’s Revolution Front, 1975 – 1991 (p. 46).

[2] Ibid.

[4]Henze, P. 2000. Layers of Time: A history of Ethiopia.St. Martin’s Press, New York.

8Ibid, footnote 5

[6]Human Right Watch/Africa, Nov. 1994, Vol. 6, No. 11, provides substantial details of the atrocities.

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