FM 104(Medeb Wushate) Mekelle- Extended Interview with Getachew Reda-June 2019
Getachew has indeed become a true "hidri teqebali" leader. His honest and to the point answer as well as his wise advice are what is need of a political leader of the time!
Interesting discussion about Ethiopia, past, and present by former US Ambassadors to Ethiopia.
Many may not know it but Ethiopia and the late PM Meles are intertwined! The ambassadors could not finish a sentence without mentioning his name! There is a good hint of what is in the plan as far as the coming election, ethnic federalism, and economic liberalization. It is long but worth watching. The time is now to start a serious lobbying effort!
Ethiopia's Army Chief Is Killed Amid Attempted Coup Reuters
June 23, 2019 ADDIS ABABA - The chief of staff of the Ethiopian Army and at least three other senior officials have been killed in different parts of the country amid a coup attempt by an army general in the northern state of Amhara, state television said on Sunday.
Former TPLF fighter and current Ethiopia Army Chief of Staff Gen Seare and former TPLF fighter and retired M.Gen Gezae Abera were martyred on June 22, 2019, in Addis Ababa. Death is nothing to these heroes since they have buried many of their former comrades to liberate Ethiopia! Also, if the killer(s) think their death will diminish and demoralized the proud people of Tigrai we have news for them! Even the daylight murder of thousands of innocent people at Hawzien did not deter the people to wage a just war! Seare's and Gezae's death will bring Tigreans together and will become another engine that will push the struggle to realize yet again another Ginbot 20 forward! The time has come for all peace-loving Ethiopians to face the menace of peace head on! They died on the same day all other martyrs are remembered- Eternal Glory to all Martyrs! Aigaforum June 22, 2019
America's Confrontation With Iran Goes Deeper Than Trump When President Barack Obama accused opponents of his 2015 Iran nuclear deal of being "armchair" warmongers luring Congress toward war, his critics feigned anger. The alternative to Obama's deal was simply a better deal, they claimed, though most of them had never supported a single diplomatic initiative with Iran.
Displaced families suffering subhuman conditions in Ethiopia: Egeland ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Displaced families are enduring subhuman conditions in Ethiopia without enough food and shelter, Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, said on Thursday.Egeland told Reuters he had seen 3,500 people without food in an abandoned factory, sharing 16 overflowing latrines flooded by torrential rains...
(Informative and very good analysis- Must Read!) Ethiopia Media Proclamation - Draft The draft proclamation will be presented to parliament soon to be enacted as law. The country is facing insurmountable difficulties to maintain law and order ever since the governing party the EPRDF became dysfunctional. This law will certainly be used by the current government to tame any independent media that does not tiptoe and support the government.
Ethiopian Ambassador, Fitsum Arega visits L.A. to invite investors and tourists to the historic nation The government of Ethiopia is rolling out the welcome mat to African Americans to explore the business opportunities and tourist destinations throughout the historic nation.During a visit to Los Angeles on June 14, Ethiopian Ambassador Fitsum Arega outlined the many prospects for investors, companies and entrepreneurs to benefit...
Social Justice in Ethiopia Assefa A. Lemu 6-19-19 - One of the political tactics to mobilize supporters is to coin or select new political terminology/terminologies or slogan(s) and rally supporters around that terminologies or slogans. For example, Medemeris the recent political terminology/slogan in Ethiopia around which Prime Minister Dr. Abiy wants to rally his supporters. These terminologies/slogans sometimes used as distinguishing factors. For example...
U.S. Should Acknowledge Critical Challenges for Ethiopia's Transition Anyone fishing for a good news story out of Africa recently, and rightly, has celebrated Ethiopia, But Ethiopia faces real and urgent challenges, and it is critical that well-wishers not ignore them. Abiy has lifted the lid off of a pressure cooker-one his predecessors held in place, complex eruptions of communal violence. Ethiopia's story is not a simple one, and the millions internally displaced over the past year, the worrying reports of forced returns, and the potential for 2020 elections...
It is interesting to know while PM Abiy government has not recognized the danger the country is in, the sponsors of his government from afar are crying out loud that Ethiopia is indeed in trouble! As recent as the last EPRDF executive meeting, the two major parties within EPRDF(OPDO and ANDM) have argued the country is in a good place and moving forward while TPLF argued to the contrary to no avail. Instead of asking Uncle Sam why do not the color revolutionaries from the west convince OPDO/ODP and ANDM/ADP to wise up and face the reality? That way this proud country is saved from the humiliation that will follow when foreigner set afoot to run the country!
Note to Michelle Gavin: If anything the extremists from the diaspora who returned home have brought shame and disaster! It is not that long ago a man was hung upside down in front of such characters in Shashemene!
Ethiopia Coffee Annual Report Ethiopia's coffee production for MY19/20 (Oct-Sep) is forecast at 7.35 million 60-kilogram bags (441,000 metric tons). Exports are forecasted to reach a record 4 million bags (240,000 metric tons). The United States was the fourth largest buyer of Ethiopian coffee in 2017/18, accounting for nearly 11 percent of total Ethiopian of coffee exports by volume. U.S. global purchases of imported coffee totaled US$ 5.7 billion in 2018 and Ethiopia supplied $142.1 million worth of coffee during the same period to US market. In 2018/19, Ethiopian exports are estimated to reach
"Blocking roads and prohibiting grains from coming to Tigray is a grave crime." Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD) is the Chairman of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), one of the four parties that form the ruling Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). He is also the Vice President of the Tigray Regional State. Samuel Getachew of The Reporter, who was recently on a region-wide visit of Tigray, caught up with a busy Debretsion, who was in between meetings, to discuss a slew of issues, which include development in his home region, security concerns and the former spy chief.
Eritrea's seizure of Roman Catholic Church properties criticised Eritrea's Roman Catholic Church has condemned the government in the one-party state for seizing and shutting all its health centres last week.In a letter to the ministry of health, the Church said patients were ordered to go home, and soldiers were deployed to the centers to guard them.The seizure of the buildings could not happen in a country where the rule of law existed, the letter added. Does anyone know if Amb Herman Jay Cohen, Isaias Afeworki's hired lobbyist in DC, is a Catholic? Not sure if President Isaias understands the power of the Roman Catholic Church but his onslaught on the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church could hasten his downfall... If not by the earthly powers by the Almighty God!! I would think, Zeru Hagos June 17, 2019
A Reflection on the Strategic and Final (Last Resort) Option of the "Ethiopian Republic of Tigray" Makonnen Tesfaye 16 June 2019 - The question of the strategic and ultimate options of a confederal association, or secession in the event of the irrecoverable and irredeemable subversion of the democratic federal state and the institution of a hegemonic and oppressor state order that fundamentally undermines self-determination and the sovereignty of the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia, has been a focus of discussion of late.
Ethiopia can be starting point for Africa investment Solidarity is the driving force behind African countries that launched a single economic bloc last year and which aim to be a global powerhouse by 2063 under their Agenda 2063 sustainable development plan.
In that regard, Ethiopia can be a starting point for Korean investors and businesses to tap into the African market